~Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies~

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~Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies~


By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf

THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.

~SaLuSa: The Divine Date for Disclosure Rapidly Approaches~ repost~ with commentary from Steve Beckow~

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~SaLuSa: The Divine Date for Disclosure Rapidly Approaches~ repost~ with commentary from Steve Beckow~


Steve: SaLuSa assures us that the world will find its own path to completion without our taking its burden on our shoulders. (This is why I’ve been saying there’s no need to fear or worry.)  He hopes that we are sufficiently confident about our destiny now to enter onto the new path and leave the old paradigm behind.

He counsels us not to rely on others unless we know they speak the truth. Our intuition will help us here (until our psychic abilities awaken).  He advises us, when considering the purpose of life, to start from the fact that there is only one God in which we have our existence. He then describes how our soul dons different bodies in its quest for understanding and its return to and mergence in All that is.

~The Magical Core of your Being~

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~The Magical Core of your Being~



Written by Jafree Ozwald

"Know that the Self is the rider, and the body the chariot;
that the intellect is the charioteer, and the mind the reins.
The senses, say the wise, are the horses; the roads they
travel are the mazes of desire. The wise call the Self the
enjoyer when it is united with the body, the senses and the mind."
~ The Bhagavad Gita

The most amazing things that have happened to me in my life all occurred the very moment I stepped out of my way, and relaxed into this eternal moment of now. When the mind is set aside, you'll notice there is this sense of great trust in the entire Universe. You feel that everything truly is perfect exactly as it is. From this place you can relax deeply enough to access the innermost core of your being. This is where you will experience yourself as divine, and can know your connection with an all-powerful intelligent energy that is already helping you manifest everything your soul needs on your path to enlightenment.

~The Galactic Planes~ ~Annual Cycle of Invocation and Evocation

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~The Galactic Planes~

Annual Cycle of Invocation and Evocation


Posted by RaK

The following zodiacal references are to the signs,
not the constellations, unless stated so.
See explanation.


Ponder and hold this thought for it relates to the yearly spiritual cycle:

Our Milky Way Galaxy is one of many tens of thousands of galaxies that cluster together to form a large metagalaxy or super galaxy. All these galaxies rotate around a center called the super galactic center (SGC).

~~The Ninth wave Continues after October 28, 2011!~ Dr. Carl Calleman~

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In earlier articles I have promised to get back to the issue of how the energies will continue and what Mayan calendar, if any, to use after its “end”. What the October 28, 2011 “end” means here is that the thirteen baktun Long Count and the other eighth sequences of thirteen heavens have now all been completed. This “end” also means that the climb to the top of the nine storied pyramid has been completed and that the cosmos is not offering a higher level to go than this one of unity consciousness. The seventh day of the Ninth wave, October 11- October 28, 2011, was the first time in cosmic history that all the nine waves were activated in a state of light and in fact an excellent opportunity for integration of their total energy field. October 28, 2011, 13 Ahau in the tzolkin, was the fundamental shift of the ages and now for some time the composite of these energies will be playing out in our individual lives as well as in the history of our planet at large. There is no turning back.

~Anonymous ~ Operation Blackout~

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This is the most important operation in the history of Anonymous. No operation will be executed until we make sure this operation is successful. Any videos uploaded will be updates on this operation.


Citizens of the United States, We are Anonymous.

This is an urgent emergency alert to all people of the United States. The day we've all been waiting for has unfortunately arrived. The United States is censoring the internet. Our blatant response is that we will not sit while our rights are taken away by the government we trusted them to preserve. This is not a call to arms, but a call to recognition and action!

The United States government has mastered this corrupt way of giving us a false sense of freedom. We think we are free and can do what we want, but in reality we are very limited and restricted as to what we can do, how we can think, and even how our education is obtained. We have been so distracted by this mirage of freedom, that we have just become what we were trying to escape from.

~Five Forces Affecting Evolution on Earth~

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~Five Forces Affecting Evolution on Earth~

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Five Forces Affecting Evolution on Earth 

Signs of the Present Times, as given by The Tibetan


These five cosmic and systemic causes are responsible for the present crisis and difficult situation in the world.

1. A welling up of magnetic force on the star Sirius, which produces effects upon our solar system and particularly, the Earth (via theHierarchy).

2. A shift in the Earth's polarity, due to the pull of a great cosmic center. This powerfully affects the planet's orientation and is responsible for the volcanic eruptions and the many earthquakes as have increased over recent years.


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