~Pleiadian High Consuls "Love and Sexuality" ~

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Dear Hearts, we are at a time in your evolution where you have to see and create not just from the physical understanding of how you perceive,
yet perception is the contradiction of your creation. Who do you love? how do you love? Why do you love? Where do you love? When do you love?
Does your love have limits of illusions of separation from your manifested creation or are you creating in harmony with all of Humanities collective consciousness?

How Do We Bring Quantum Activism into Our Daily Life? Part 1~2

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How Do We Bring Quantum Activism into Our Daily Life? Part 1~2 ~

2011 May 11
Posted by Pat Donworth

In his book, How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization, Amit Goswami, Ph.D.  discusses how to bring a quantum consciousness (others might call it unity awareness) into the world. One of the chapters is “Can a Few People Make a Difference?” and his answer is a resounding “Yes.” His key is “creativity”  in the midst of a materialist society that wants to strip everyone of their creativity, save that which perpetuates the status quo.

Perhaps the most critical piece is that we do what we love, that we do that which flows from the unique creativity in each of us: some of us like to build things or create art; others like to teach the young; others like to set up structures that provide sound foundations; others like to grow gardens and nurture animals. Our creative impulse is as unique as each of us is unique.


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SOLAR BLAST: A magnetic prominence dancing along the sun's southeastern limb became unstable on Nov. 15th and slowly erupted. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the event, which unfolded over a period of thirteen hours:

The eruption hurled a cloud of plasma (CME) toward Venus. According to a forecast track created by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud should reach the second planet on Nov. 17th. Venus has no global magnetic field to protect it from CMEs. The impact will likely strip a small amount of atmosphere from the planet's cloudtops. Solar flare alerts: text, phone

~ Room for Your Light ~ New Earth Angels = the group~

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~ Re-minders from Home ~
Steve Rother

From Steve:

In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in with a very bright light and sometimes have difficulty even being here. Often they burn out early, but leave a lasting impression on all of humanity. Marilyn Monroe, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, Nicolai Tesla and on the list goes. In this message the group asks each of us a simple question: If we were to start carrying that much light tomorrow, what effect would it have on our lives? So the question becomes. . . is there room for your light?

I hope everyone had a wonderful 11-11-11. Ready to step up?

~Your Role in Earth's Tipping Point~

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Wednesday, 16 November, 2011  

The pivotal times you have long prepared for are here. You feel the transformational changes deep within your bones, and you are intuitively drawn to take part in them. You have a natural inner urge to participate fully in the dance of change now in full swing. You truly care about what happens next, and you want to feel tangibly connected to the birthing of a brand-new reality.

In these moments before 2011 ends, your full creative potential is becoming quite real - whether you realize it or not, whether you feel ready or not. It may feel scary to you at times - knowing you are moving into something amazing that you can't yet quantify, and also knowing how much still needs to shift before you can have the world you want.


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