~Corroboration of Humanity’s Quarantine~

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~Corroboration of Humanity’s Quarantine~

2011 November 17
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Bob Dean's Image of a Mars Base

We’ve heard it said often that humanity has been quarantined on this planet but that that quarantine will soon be lifted.  I was looking through New Maps of Heaven for other reasons and came across a number of discussions of exactly that situation.

These are not galactics speaking, but terrestrial spirits like the novelist and afterlife researcher Steward Edward White and the spirit guide of psychic Betty Bethards.

White reveals that the Earth has been quarantined in an interview with Dr. Robert Leichtman.

~AA GABRIEL ~ Weekly Message ~ November 17

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November 17, 2011

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love known as surrender. This quality entails the letting go of egoic justifications about how a situation should be and instead, allowing your higher power to take over the unfolding of this situation in the fullness of time. It requires faith in your higher power and the important quality of trust. By surrendering your need to control the situation you open yourself up to possibilities you may not have considered that are better by far, and will result in the highest and most happiest outcome for you.

~Archangel Michael on What Occurred on 11~11~11~ THE TRANSCRIPT~

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Archangel Michael on What Occurred on 11~11~11

2011 November 16
Posted by Steve Beckow

Many thanks to Linda S. for the transcription of this interview. This interview was a short one called mostly to discuss 11/11/11 and to answer some pressing personal questions.  The next interview is on Nov. 29 and I’ve asked to spend the whole of the time discussing the angelic realm. I’ll schedule a further interview shortly after that to discuss general matters.

So far I haven’t found a way to convert the file to an .mp3. For some reason, my own software won’t convert it.

I’ve now tried several software converters and none of them succeeded. It may be a problem with the file itself. A transcript will have to do, I’m afraid.

~Why Some Lightworkers will Ascend Before December 2012~

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~Why Some Lightworkers will Ascend Before December 2012~


~Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles~




A number of readers to a recent article I posted have expressed concern that a number of Lightworkers would be ascending before the mass ascension of humanity and their host planet Gaia. These concerns are based on the belief that these ‘departing’ souls would be forsaking their Lightworker duties for the easy life on a beautiful Neptunian beach, or returning to their home worlds for a blissful family reunion. (We will, but that comes later.) Although it is true that many Lightworkers are tasked with the important role of remaining on Earth to anchor the 5th dimensional ascension frequencies, as well as other vital tasks, there are also a number of Lightworkers whose services are called for from the 5th dimensional side of the divine plan. You see, although a great many ascended beings from the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Realms are working tirelessly to support humanity’s ascension, they are not doing all the work for us. It is our ascension after all, and it is up to us to perform every aspect of this process that we can possibly accomplish ourselves.

~Archangel Michael on What Occurred on 11~11~11

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~Archangel Michael on What Occurred on 11~11~11

2011 November 16
~Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

I’ve spoken with AA Michael today to inquire what occurred on 11~11~11. All I have is a .mov file but I’ve located it to my Angelfire site and you should be able to hear it.




I’d be happy if someone wanted to transcribe the file.

As soon as I have a transcript, I’ll mount it here. For the rest, I’d rather allow the Boss to discuss the matter in the manner he wishes. So much business has arisen from matters discussed in the private part that I may be slow in answering emails or posting today.


~Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Star Children~ Incarnated Angels and Starpeople.

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~Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Star Children~

Incarnated Angels and Starpeople. By clairvoyant Doreen Virtue
People have come from all over the universe to live upon earth during this time of its millennium shift. In my private psychic counseling practice, I've been able to get to know many people whose origins are not of this earth. I've learned that there are many incarnated E.T.'s, angels, and walk-ins upon the planet right now. The first time I worked with an incarnated E.T.. — what I call a "star person," I was startled. She defied all of my stereotypes about extra terrestrials. She looked a lot like an ordinary person (although there are some subtle, but key physical distinctions among star people, that I've listed below). Yet, until I psychically discerned that she was working with a space craft, I had no clue that she wasn't from the earth.

TAUK Private Message from Higher Self 16 Nov 2011 ~ Today’s Energies

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TAUK Private Message from Higher Self 16 Nov 2011 ~ Today’s Energies


Mother Earth is continuing her journey towards Ascension. She is being born into the higher dimensions.  She too has a Higher Self, you know.  Just because you do not think of her as a living being, as an intelligent life form, it does not mean that she is not just that. She is a highly evolved, loving, intelligent being. In fact, perhaps if one really wanted to find an intelligent life form apart from humans in space, one would find that Mother Earth is the oldest, the most conscious, and the most intelligent life form on your planet. Indeed, there is no need to go very far in order to find intelligence and universal consciousness.


~A Few Notes on NESARA~

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~A Few Notes on NESARA~

2011 November 16
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

A recent channeled message has said the following:

“The next stage is to push the necessary dark governments from power and establish the new international organizations dedicated to peace, freedom, cooperation, and of course prosperity! The initial protocols for these organizations have been signed by most of your world’s nation states. The time is now ripe for action!


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