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Montague Keen ~ 10~2~11

~Montague’s Message ~



The time is at hand when each of you must take responsibility for yourself and those who are dependent on you. Together, you have the strength to bring down those who have oppressed you. This can be done without resorting to violence of any sort; peaceful demonstration is all that is required. You are the victims of corporate greed. This is a crime against humanity. Look at those in control: they cause recessions and depressions at a whim. Ask, “What do they all have in common?”.

It is time to open your eyes and face the truth. Examine carefully what is being done to you, right in front of your eyes. This is global. It has got to stop. They have removed all your rights. It’s only through all of you coming together that you will release yourselves from these oppressors. Because you have been in bondage for centuries, you have never known anything else: you accepted it as normal. Their mission is to destroy you, so by not taking action you are allowing them to do so.

Jesus: The Times of War and Struggle are Drawing To a Close

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Jesus: The Times of War and Struggle are Drawing To a Close



Waiting creates anxiety: “Will what is waited for arrive?  Will it be late?  Was it early? Did we miss it?”  So don’t wait!  Get on with living, and pay attention to each moment as it occurs, accepting it and working with it, so that you learn the lessons it brings easily and quickly.

You all have lessons to learn before the grand awakening, and they are being presented rapidly and clearly so that you may deal with them and move on.  As you do so, you will feel an increasing sense of lightness and well-being as though a heavy weight had been lifted from your shoulders; and your zest for life will intensify as tiredness and depression fall away.

~The “End” of the Mayan calendar, Solar Flares and Earth Changes~

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~The “End” of the Mayan calendar, Solar Flares and Earth Changes~







We have now celebrated the Cosmic Convergence and there is less than one night and one day before the fulfillment of the evolutionary plan for all of creation (or at least the attainment of the top level). As predicted the Ninth wave of this plan, which is coming to a close together with the other waves of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011, has brought a tremendous frequency increase to the world. This has been experienced on a personal level by many, but it has also been easily visible in the spread of political and economical chaos in large parts of the world. The current instability is evident not only in what is actually happening, but also in the constant shifts in how events or developments are perceived and reported. Greece, for instance, is one day said to be bankrupt, another fully afloat with the help of the troika, and the next day it is again said to be bankrupt. One day the Ghaddafi regime has fallen and another it is again fighting only to have fallen the next day again.


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CHINESE SPACE STATION: Last Thursday, China launched an experimental space station named Tiangong-1 (Heavenly Palace-1). The 8.5-ton module, about the size of a railroad car, will remain in orbit for two years as Chinese spacecraft perform rendevous and docking maneuvers, and Chinese astronauts visit for weeks at a time--all good practice for a larger outpost in the future. Check Spaceweather's Satellite Tracker for sighting opportunities. You can also turn your smartphone into a Tiangong-1 tracker by downloading the Simple Flybys app.



COMET AND CME: A comet discovered by amateur astronomers on Friday, Sept. 30th, disintegrated in spectacular fashion the very next day when it plunged into the sun. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the comet's last hours. The end was punctuated by an unexpected explosion; click on the image to set the scene in motion:

10~2~11~One Million Protesters to Occupy Wall Street~

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~One Million Protesters to Occupy Wall Street~


Alexander Higgins, who has been keeping us abreast with developments relating to the Wall Street protests says it’s Game On, as union leadership is now getting heavily involved in Occupy Wall Street:

The plot thickens as more unions pledge support to the Occupy Wall Street movement and a collective group with 1 million members expected to march against the machine.

~Activation of the Sacral~Plexus as We Sail into 2012!~

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There is no doubt we hit a whole new octave as we entered October! It took me close to a day and a half to be able to adjust my own inner vision to the amazing vibrancy of your new octaves! Finding my footing in readings these days is not always easy, especially when the frequency moves a bit higher. The first thing that happens is I must internally adjust to these frequencies so I end up in a sort of "void" area. (And please, I am sharing this, because if it is happening to me, it is equally happening to you.) I say a "sort of void," because it is not a true disconnection, but rather a full and deep inner connection to mySelf. I am finding when I am going thru my own frequency change, I cannot read for anyone at all. I am deep within myself.... feeling... expanding. I tend to go into seclusion to be there with Me.


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We are moving toward a fulcrum that tips on 11/11/11 ~ The Exaltation.  This is an intense time that is preparing an amazing future.  It’s not an easy time, but it is a sweet time for those that courageously choose to perceive the beauty in the force of change.  Can you feel it?  It’s exciting.  There are still some ups and downs as we shake out the old and consequently wake the sleeping masses around us. 

October is a month of movement.  Action begins internally with inspiration and then is initiated into form either by obligation (limitation) or excitement (limitlessness).  October asks you to choose if you will interact (move) with Life from limitation or limitlessness.  Limitlessness exalts Life.  This is the energy that creates a win/win solution, it feeds the beauty of Life.  The era (error) of sacrifice ends and the age of sharing begins.  Mutual benefit and respect, global consciousness, Infinite Being.  You see these in nature.  Now they become human nature. 



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