Ashtar ~ You Are The Light! You Are Here!~

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Through you the world IS! beloved brothers and sisters, The expression that you ARE, IS alive in the world, it is the I Am that expresses itself through the energy of everything, Everything is you, and you are everything. You are the angels of the future sent Now to bless the Earth with your presence. Holy is your spirit, connected to source through heart. Now is your future, Now is your past, you are all being divinely guided by your spirit friends, both on the Earth and beyond, from elementals to star people, you are never alone, many of you proclaim to be alone, to not hear them, us, but I assure you dear ones, you are not alone.

~Love~Based Insight: Why the Titanic Had to Sink~

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~Love~Based Insight: Why the Titanic Had to Sink~



"In April 2012, it will be one hundred years since the sinking of the grandest ship to sail the Atlantic seas, the RMS Titanic. The vessel that was thought to be invincible and built with the highest caliber of materials, design and craftsmanship sank in just under three hours. In the final hours after collision, there was little to be done to save the ship because it was completely evident that the solutions needed for survival were not possible with the final product as it existed.

Much was put into the construction of this vessel and therefore it can be viewed as an exciting, successful project because of the expertise, funding, education and materials used to build a ship of super-power proportion. However, this super-power vessel was ultimately built with funding from a few powerful sources and the energy of elitism. There are numerous stories, documents and movies that re-interpret the event, but few have captured the full meaning of the RMS Titanic, which is this: the Titanic had to sink in order to be a successful vessel for all of mankind.

Let us explain.

~Zero Point & the Central Sun~

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~Zero Point & the Central Sun~





In the early part of the twentieth century, an airless vacuum was used in an experiment to determine if there is energy in empty Space. This vacuum was lead-shielded from all known electro-magnetic fields. When it was cooled down to the temperature where all matter should cease vibrating and produce no heat, a tremendous amount of energy was found to exist. Because it can exist at ‘absolute zero’ temperature, this energy has come to be known as Zero Point Energy.[i]

Are there things about the Universe that will be forever beyond our grasp? Are there things about the Universe that are ungraspable? Dr. Richard Dawkins


~High Council of Orion message for10~2~11 ~

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We walk amongst you dear ones and as we do we send out the LOVE that IS from our hearts to YOUr hearts. Many are now aware of our presence and we give much rejoice for that shows the illusion is breaking down across the planet. Many are now able to stand in their power and their light and to have faith in the process that they go through. We send much love and many blessings to ALL across the planet earth for reaching this point in human consciousness. Having FAITH and TRUST is paramount to moving through and beyond the point that YOU have reached.

Hilarion's Weekly Message October 2~9, 2011

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Hilarion's Weekly Message


October 2~9, 2011




Beloved Ones,


As you go forth in your daily lives you are finding that your ability to discern truth has grown by leaps and bounds. No longer are you held back in self doubt, thinking that you might be in illusion. Now you are on track with your Divine destiny and everything around you will be reflecting this back to you. Accept and allow the Universe to support you as you continue upon your Path. Have faith and trust that all that you need will be provided to you when and as needed. Everything that you need for your next step will just beautifully appear before you in perfect, divine timing.



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~Sometimes things happen for a reason. Not to stop your forward motion. Sometimes you just need to stand back and try and find out what the reason is. Stay positive and smile. Keep your humour. Things fall apart and later the pieces all come together~WOLF SPIRITWHISPER~








Happiness is a choice to make ESPECIALLY


when… you feel like the Universe is conspiring


against you because WHEN YOU ENERGIZE


NEGATIVE THOUGHT YOU then empower more

~Ramanuja’s Secret; or, a Reading with an Archangel~

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~Ramanuja’s Secret; or, a Reading with an Archangel~


Whether apocryphal or not, there’s a story about the Hindu saint Ramanuja (1017-1137), that he received a mantram from his teacher and was told, as all devotees are, that the mantram was so efficacious that it would surely prove his means (or the means of anyone who heard it) of going to heaven. However, if he shared his mantram with anyone, he would surely go to hell.

Ramanuja promply climbed to the highest roof and shouted his mantram to all who could hear him. And he didn’t stop shouting it. When asked why he would do such a thing, he said he would gladly go to hell if it meant the salvation of those who heard the mantram from him.

I find myself in a similar place as Ramauja. I’ve just had a reading with Archangel Michael and a part of me wishes to wait until I have a transcript before discussing what I’ve heard lest I make a mistake in relating what he said and go to hell (not really, but story is story) but there is another part of me that wants to blurt out anything I can remember if it helps anyone at all who hears it.


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Archive for the 'Divine Feminine' Category

Goddess, the Divine Feminine

Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website



Venus ~ Goddess of Love

In Astronomy, a transit occurs whenever we see a planet pass directly in front of the Sun. But this can only occur with the two inner planets, Venus and Mercury, because they are the only planets that can position themselves between the Earth and the Sun.


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