~Ramanuja’s Secret; or, a Reading with an Archangel~
Whether apocryphal or not, there’s a story about the Hindu saint Ramanuja (1017-1137), that he received a mantram from his teacher and was told, as all devotees are, that the mantram was so efficacious that it would surely prove his means (or the means of anyone who heard it) of going to heaven. However, if he shared his mantram with anyone, he would surely go to hell.
Ramanuja promply climbed to the highest roof and shouted his mantram to all who could hear him. And he didn’t stop shouting it. When asked why he would do such a thing, he said he would gladly go to hell if it meant the salvation of those who heard the mantram from him.
I find myself in a similar place as Ramauja. I’ve just had a reading with Archangel Michael and a part of me wishes to wait until I have a transcript before discussing what I’ve heard lest I make a mistake in relating what he said and go to hell (not really, but story is story) but there is another part of me that wants to blurt out anything I can remember if it helps anyone at all who hears it.