~Does God Have Negative Thoughts, Feelings, Or Emotions?~

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~Does God Have Negative Thoughts, Feelings, Or Emotions?~







~Namaste dear friend of life and love! Greetings of peace from my heart to you!:)



The Integrated Spiritual Master never tries to balance his/her lower self with the higher self for he/she realizes that all lower self thinking comes from the negative Ego mind.


He realizes that he/she is Light and no darkness. He/she has come to serve God/ Brahma/Allah/Adonai and the Eternal self and NOT his/her lower self.


He/she balances each and every polarity BUT he transcends the negative Ego Duality! Ponder/Meditate on this! ;)


~The Declaration of Assisted Independence~

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~The Declaration of Assisted Independence~




I here by decree, as a citizen of Gaia to allow the Federation of Light to intervene directly in the affairs of the cabal and their associate umbrella agencies, to prevent further harm to the earth and all souls who dwell on and within her. It is our right as sovereign beings to protect and nurture our mother and our children. This is the law of unconditional love, and we claim it before God. 

~Apocalyptic scenarios forecast in your past will not come to pass~

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Tahinio Ra 8~27~11


Apocalyptic scenarios forecast in your past will not come to pass, we are certain of that now, we have never been more certain. A few tremors, a few vibrations may move through your sub continental structures as mother earth realigns herself with the new energies coming in as the shift moves into place. For we perceive now that there are some structures on your planet that may receive structural damage and some may even collapse, but the mass destruction forecast in the past will definitely not come into focus now in your new reality. For you have shifted greatly already, all beings of a similar vibrational resonance have shifted to a pattern of Mother Earth more in alignment with that you have labeled as “5th Dimensional Consciousness” now. For we perceive with our minds eye, infinite in perspective, that beautiful things are about to merge into the beauty of the infinite time space continuum window you perceive as the now, and the near future.

~All Movement is Forward Movement~

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Greetings, Dear Ones! It is I, Gabriel, and as always, we are so pleased and honored to be in your presence today. What a glorious time you are in on your planet, Dear Ones. Can you feel it? Do you know in your hearts what an honor it is to be a resident of Gaia during these amazing times? On a soul level you know. Your souls clambered for the opportunity to be in the body at this time. You were so excited you could barely wait to begin. And what your soul wanted so desperately to experience is the times that you are in today. You could not wait.

~SaLuSa: A Major Event is Drawing Near (Repost)~ with a Commentary From Laura ~

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~SaLuSa: A Major Event is Drawing Near (Repost)~ 



2011 August 31
 with a commentary from Laura ~

For those going through acute withdrawal symptoms, as Mike continues to get himself reorganized and back online, here is a shot of SaLuSa from June 15, 2011 to tide you over. Mike is expected to return Friday.

~8~31~11~~Saul: What You are Experiencing Now is a Prelude to Limitless Joy~

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~Saul: What You are Experiencing Now is a Prelude to Limitless Joy~



08~31~2011 By Love Reporter John Smallman



All over the world major changes are occurring which are leading up to your grand awakening.  As you know, it is a done deal that cannot be prevented, and when it happens joyous amazement will delight you all as your faith in God’s promise to you is completely vindicated.  To be finally without doubts and anxieties will be a permanent and most uplifting experience.  You have carried the Light of God within you through times of great suffering and stress, and it is about to burst forth in exhilarating brilliance to welcome you Home at the end of your long journey.

8~31~11~The Separation of Worlds: Leaving People Behind

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~The Separation of Worlds: Leaving People Behind~







I knew talking about the upcoming Separation of Worlds would cause some people to worry and wonder. I’ve had a few Comments from readers questioning the possibility of leaving loved-ones behind due to the very near Expiration Date—the completion of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011 in combination with November’s 11-11-11 cutoff point. (I’ll talk more about the Separation of Worlds in coming articles.)

One consolation to the fact that billions of people haven’t and won’t be utilizing the Cosmic, Galactic and Solar Energies flooding the planet to ascend/evolve out of lower frequency duality and polarized consciousness and materialism, is that as you continue ascending/evolving you’ll increasingly know more about complex energies and different evolutionary levels, phases, worlds and consciousness, soul development and focus, multidimensionality, and soul decisions made by yourself and other people.


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