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To answer to this presently very physical and  quite rhetorical question, simply I can say:


Money.... It was never here.... It was just an illusion that we have to pay with it.... It was just an another layer or control that we agreed to have over our existence..... It was simple tool in early stages of existence, where we do not have to carry lot of gold with us.... It was here to remind us that we can simply be without IT.... Only if we choose to raise our existence frequency to levels where all is ONE, where we choose to see equality in every single soul on Mother Earth....


~A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council~

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~A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council~



Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We greet you with love in our hearts and blessings from the Pleiades.

As we monitor and survey the current situation on the Earth there are various places where our energy and attention is needed. We refer to these places as strongholds. From our ships and with our technology we direct energy to these places of imbalance and where there could be catastrophic conditions. This means that there is a high potential for earth changes that could erupt at any time. Right now there are more points than we have seen so we are quite busy. We suggest that you assist us too by meditating and focusing on your planet. Ask us to show you the points where your energy can help support the strongholds. Many of them are in your oceans. Feel into the energy of the Earth and let your inner guidance show you the way.

~8~31~11~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

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~The Galactic Federation through Wanderer of the Skies~

~August 31, 2011~



Greetings from the Federation:

We have taken some time since our last communication as we have been very busy of late. There is a tremendous amount of activity on our side as everyone readies themselves for an unusually big event. We remain excited and expectant about the occurrences to take place on your world. We now have an opportunity to update you in this respect.

~A Bigger Playground~

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Message 74

~A Bigger Playground~




You are being invited to practice ways of riding the intense energy waves being generated from the stars.

Everything you experience as solid and "real" is vibrations of energy, held or locked in place by belief systems. If you could set aside all the mental programs about your reality you would experience a different reality. There are dimensions and timeframes you can experience and "travel".

Imagine a child who is raised in a small house. All their needs are met - they are happy, yet their entire world is the small house. They become an adult yet never venture out of the small house, believing that the small house is all that exists. They see nothing more - all their beliefs and mental programs tell them that reality is only that one small house.

8~31~11~~Stop Chewing The Past Like An Old Cow~

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~A message from The Pleiadians THROUGH GALACTIC LOVE REPORTER Gillian MacBeth-Louthan~

~Stop Chewing The Past Like An Old Cow~





Throughout the vibration of time, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness you have announced to yourself over and over again what you will and will not accept, what you will and will not become, and what you will and will not do.  In upcoming times of energy shifting you will be asked to shed the skin of old and allow the birth of what is yet to come.

~Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 2~

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~Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 2~

2011 August 31
by Steve Beckow

I continue with some passages of material attributed to Sananda from Eric Klein’s The Crystal Stair (1990) to give us yet another historical view of how Ascension has been discussed for quite some time.

I’ve said earlier that Imperator, Beinsa Douno, Silver Birch and others were discussing it back in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. I’m sure there are many more who were as well. A 1990 discussion is almost current, but still twenty years back. But most of what Sananda says is almost identical to what’s being said now; a few things are not.  Let’s listen in on more of the things he says.

(Continued from Part 1.)


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AS OF 8~31~11


EMERGING SUNSPOTS: Sunspots are emerging at several locations around the solar disk, peppering the Earth-side of the sun with active regions. Of particular interest is fast-growing sunspot 1282, shown here in an August 31st snapshot from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

AR1282 has increased in size more than ten-fold during the past 48 hours: movie. Moreover, the sunspot is near the center of the solar disk, so any flares from this active region today would likely be Earth-directed.




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