Dear Souls, there has been a Divine plan underway to wipe away the last remaining vestiges of illusion and darkness that seem still to be so prevelant on your world. The result has been much clearing, on a planetary and personal level. Outwardly this clearing has manifested as riots and protests, as the people are truly fed up with the way they have been treated by their governments. This kind of turmoil is something we anticipated, and it is necessary to assist in this cleansing process. This process is not just manifesting globally, personally you have all been feeling a number of strange things pertaining to said cleansing. Just like your planet, your bodies have been getting rid of the last remaining bits of darkness that you have sheltered and nourished for a millenia. Many have been experiencing sickness as a result of this, as well as a whole host of other symptoms. We wish you to know that your perceived suffering is for a higher purpose, and you are to come out of this as shining
Divine beings, and you will be so much stronger having had this overall experience.