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Hello friends. If there are any that were worrying my last ‘Contact with my guides’ message was too short, worry not! This latest message is so long I have had to divide it into two parts. This is because I am channeling six different beings. Now, I wish all to know, the content of this message is mostly relevent to my own Life and past. Disclosure, First Contact and extraterrestrials are not really discussed, and being that I am contacting my personal guides, the message is for the most part centered on myself. Even still, I think the information presented here is very interesting, and some of what is said can apply to others. Much Love, Wes Annac :)-


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  SaLuSa 8~10~11

Some people fear that the Illuminati will take advantage of the problems you are experiencing, to bring in World Government. That has always been their ambition, but they no longer command the power to do so, and it is the Light that will reveal the answers that will restore hope for the future. As most of you can see, all around you the unrest and anger is escalating, and will not subside until the root causes are addressed. Our plan is the only one that will restore people’s faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible. We ask only that you hold your vision of a new order, and paradigm that will solve the present problems. All that is happening has been foreseen for many years, as the dark Ones planned your demise and the collapse of your society. For karmic reasons it has had to run its course, but now the time has arrived for a stop to be put to the continuing destruction and inevitable demise of your civilization.

~SHELDAN NIDLE UPDATE 8~9~11~ ~The last dark cabal, is being de-clawed.~

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~The last dark cabal, is being de-clawed.~




Dratzo! We return. By increments, your world is being magically transformed. The old order, the last dark cabal, is being de-clawed. Those who represent the new way of the Light have taken stern preliminary measures to ensure that the long nightmare through which you have lived for generations and millennia has come to an end. Your period of limited consciousness is in a state of partial hibernation. Events have occurred that are sapping the life out of a once-vigorous entity! The dark is watching as its wealth and its formerly vast resources slip away. This is being effected by a series of special agreements, and by some soon-to-be major nations that, using their growing prestige and special diplomacy, are formulating a new economic system and a way to force the dark's major governments from power. Such a shift in power is most disconcerting to the dark. The cabal and its numerous associates are not yet ready to admit defeat and formally permit this new reality to manifest. It is being done for them. Agreements and a special force from Agartha and the Galactic Federation are now preparing the way for your new reality.


Lia's picture












Amaze~ To affect with Surprise, or Great Wonder, Astonish, Synonyms~ Surprise. Example~ The upcoming Events will be one Of Amazement. Oh My GOD EVENTS~

Always~ On Every occasion, At Every time, continually, forever. Example~ Love is Always and Forever. The Love called God Everywhere Present, Creation, is Always Expanding and Becoming Grander. This occurs through Awakened Experience.
Always and Forever

8~9~11~A message from Sarah-Jane Grace

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~A message from Sarah-Jane Grace~




It seems important to connect with Neptune at this time. On the 5th August, he moved into Aquarius whilst retrograde and he will stay there until 2012.

Neptune is a subtle but incredibly powerful planet; he weaves us together through the collective consciousness and all of those unseen forces that we are growing increasingly aware of. In many ways this is the time of Neptune, we are opening ourselves up more and more to his sacred dance that unifies through the interconnectedness of the energy all around us.

I wrote a while ago that ‘Neptune is that subtle thread that connects us all through a beautiful cosmic dance of energies that swirl and flow within and around each of us connecting us to the Universe and making us One’.

~8~9~11~The Power of Being ONE~

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~The Power of Being ONE~






Welcome back.

We are all One. And we all know that. But let us understand ‘One.’


One interpretation of “We Are One” is that we are the Same Energy… there are no differences between us, no distances, no inequalities. The other interpretation of One is that we are all Unique… completely different from each other; some similarities perhaps, but no one quite like the other. And so you have one interpretation that states, ‘no difference,’ and another that states completely unique: no one quite like you/me –Unique.

8~9~11Sharing with-out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~

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~Sharing with~out conditions, and the collective change in being of the New Earth~



Hello all,

Here is a topic that keeps coming to me to talk about, and it is about sharing! Not just sharing for which most know as sharing with strings attached or with-conditions, but sharing with-out conditions. The same goes for what most know within the collective as love with conditions instead of knowing and sharing love with-out conditions.

8~9~11~You Stand At A Threshold Of Molecular Decomposition

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~You Stand At A Threshold Of Molecular Decomposition~



Welcome dear children, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light We stand a long side the battlefields of your life as great generals of light that seek to know they have taught their soldiers well.  The generals themselves do not enter the battlefields but stand close by to lead and  instruct.  We are above in the waves of light and you are down in the valley of the shadow of doubt. We watch your hopes leap from the cliffs as we ourselves bear the brunt of what you are feeling. The divine intervention you seek has not set flight.  We ask you to hold tight Dear ones, to what you know is truth. 


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