~Freeing Yourself From The Past~

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~Freeing Yourself From The Past~



~LOVE REORTER : Leonard Jacobson~



In truth, there is no life outside of the present moment. Sooner or later, we must all come to terms with this simple fact.

If you are to awaken fully into the present moment, and remain fundamentally grounded in Presence, then you will have to liberate yourself from entanglement in your own past. It is not the true past. It is the remembered past, which you access through the mind whenever you think. You will also have to free yourself from the imagined future, which is nothing more than the past projected forward. It is simply a fantasy.

The true future does not exist in the world of the mind. The true future unfolds through the doorway of the present moment, just as the true past is accessible through the doorway of the present moment.

To free yourself from the past, there are a number of steps you will have to take.

~Lest We Forget Again To Remember!~

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~Lest We Forget Again To Remember!~




Rapid changes issuing forth in these ensuing months will keep your twinkling toes dancing through the ethers and skipping o'er the hill sides of the planet. For Mother Earth prepares her directives for the releasing of yet still more unavoidable amendments to her earthly body which graces all and sundry in a love unconditional, and a love unsullied by the tests of time or the stresses of a re-awakening Hu-mankind. Great pangs of pain does the Lady Gaia feel as she readies herself, yet again, to allow thus mal aligned energies freedom of release and further realignments to be measured upon the lands and sea.

~Starseeds: The Leaven in the Loaf~

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Starseeds: The Leaven in the Loaf



We heard Archangel Michael say in my reading with him on August 1:

Steve: I’ve said to my readers that my hunch is that most Starseeds are already ascended. … Why would Starseeds be asked to come to Earth if they’re not ascended? It seems like that would be part of the problem rather than part of the solution, if it were the case. Am I correct in my hunch?

Archangel Michael: Yes. Starseeds are here to help.

S: I see. And they’re already ascended, mostly? They’ve already been through this?

AAM: That is correct. And that is why the shifting inter-dimensionally is becoming so profound and clearer and clearer. So sometimes they do not know, and it is confusing for them, whether they have their feet in the third or the fifth, the seventh or the ninth. But it does not matter, they are here to help. (1)

In Ronna Herman’s August channeling of Archangel Michael, he corroborates this fact:


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http://www.angelaperegoff.com/angelas-blog/ http://www.angelaperegoff.com/angelas-blog/

As you read this post I will be jetting off with family and friends for a playful break from the “usual”. Because of that I want to let you know that there will not be an energy read next Monday. I’ll go ahead and outline the month ahead for you now. The energies will still be following a transdimensional pathway that continues to streamline and focus in a way that concentrates them like we have never seen. This isn’t bad; just different. What will happen is that things will begin to open for you in ways you haven’t seen coming.

~ Questions and Answers of the Masters of Light, Aug. 2011 ~

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~Questions and Answers of the Masters of Light, Aug. 2011~



Question: Dear Masters, there has been an upswing of concerns regarding the planet that has come near the Earth, with channelers all over the world receiving information that this  Planet X or Nibiru will be causing electromagnetic disruptions on Earth this coming December. Also, that a comet coming between the Earth and the Sun in September will be causing quakes and emotional turbulence around the world.

I recognize that the spiritual world of higher intelligence is in constant communication with those who are open to this communication, but it is difficult to find a common ground of information that agrees with the many different sources. Perhaps those who are seeking sensational information in order to receive public attention have some impact on that information. On the other hand, we don’t really want to hear about world-wide calamities reaching us from outer space.


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~Carl Calleman: Participate in the Cosmic Convergence~  WRITTEN 7~31~11

WITH COMMENTARY FROM STEVE BECKOW~Carl is arranging a Cosmic Convergence just prior to the “end” of the Mayan Calendar. I personally am not concerned about different dates any more (I was). Let the good times roll! The more celebrations, the merrier. I’m beginning to feel so blissful that none of our former disagreements seem to matter anymore. Thanks to Len.

Participate in the Cosmic Convergence September 23-26, 2011!





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