~Transmuting Lower Energies & Clearing Yourself and Others~

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~Transmuting Lower Energies & Clearing Yourself and Others~

June 3, 2011

Many of you may find yourselves clearing not only your stuff, but other peoples as well. This is the time when it is pivotal for you, dear love ones to stay in the present moment and allow these energies and clearings to pass through with no attachment. When we think of the past or future, we take ourselves out of that present moment and that is when clearing energies for ourselves and others becomes difficult and may even be painful. Bring yourself back. Reel yourself in and don’t allow yourself to be too expanded, because that can cause clearing to be more difficult. Rest in your own center, expand your love but not the thinking ego.


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~NOTE FROM SHERYL~ I've been going through a very challenging time supporting my daughter who is very ill. During this time, I found my self disconnected from my spirit friends. They were still with me, but I had tuned them out. Here's the message of support I was given that may be of help to you if you too are facing challenges in your life.

Message from the Lady of the Sun:

My dear children of light,

~A New Reality on Earth~

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~A New Reality on Earth~ Through Love Reporter SANDY STEVENSON~

There is a new situation on Earth. A new directive has been declared by the Elohim. It allows for one level of reality to be dissolved to bring the state of play on Earth to a fairer level. For some time now the negative forces on Earth have been using some unfair tactics to proceed with their plan. This has now been stopped owing to continued requests of the Light Force on Earth for Divine order to occur.

The particular reality level being dissolved contains very dense energy and holds the broader sprectrum of many situations we are seeing on Earth at this time such as disaster weather scenarios, the misuse of technologies such as genetic engineering; chemicals and food; radiation and wave lengths; the HAARP project; medical technology; governmental powers, etc. Although these concepts also exist in other bands of reality, they are much milder within those bands.


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