~The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaelle, May 30, 2011.~
Channeler: Marilyn Raffaele | http://www.onenessofall.com/
~Coming Earth Changes are a Necessary Part of Gaia’s Cleansing Processs~
Greetings dear ones. We are here once again to tell you of the great light we see flowing ever more powerfully from your earth. You are doing a fine job of adding light to the darkness of the old energy. It may seem as if there is nothing being changed, as if the world is instead growing worse because of all the chaos you see, but we can assure you that the chaos is a part of the cleansing and clearing process.
It is time for the many to re-evaluate their priorities and move forward. Everyone is being given the opportunity at this time to change; to change rigid ways of seeing and being and doing, and in the process release themselves from the old beliefs that have held them in bondage to “this is the way we have always done it, so this is how things must be done”.