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SaLuSa 1-June-2011


As you know already, there are changes in the process of happening in the Middle East and the people’s willpower and intent to achieve their aims will carry them forward to success. In the West the same energies are active, and beginning to move the people towards insisting on changes that will remove the blight on their lives caused by the banking crisis. Such energies begin to snowball and once a certain momentum is reached, there is no stopping the outcome. You shall see the beginning of a new era that will propel you onto the path that can only lead to Ascension. It has been building up for a long time, and very little is required to really get it under way. We shall have a hand in that as you have called upon us for help. We cannot always do as you wish, but in this instance it can be considered as part of our plan. Much work is being carried out to bring matters to a conclusion, and as usual our focus is on disclosure.

~SHELDAN NIDLES UPDATE~5~31~11~ready to spring the much-awaited actions upon the dark cabal.

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Update by Love Reporter Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation ~ 31 May 11


4 Batz, 9 Pax, 7 Ik


Dratzo! We return! Much is coming together on your world and our Earth allies and our Agarthan cousins are nearly ready to spring their much-awaited actions upon the dark cabal. The agreements signed a few weeks ago have begun to bear fruit. The Earth allies' European legal team has completed the documents that are to be used as the foundation for replacing a number of major governments. Included within these are the legalities to overturn the illegal American corporate state. We can also report that the organization that is to replace the present global financial system is secretly setting up headquarters in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. In other developments, those who are to compel the old governments to concede are taking up their pre-assigned work posts and we are positioning our ships and personnel as backup for them. Our liaisons are there to demonstrate our full support for these changes which are a prelude to full disclosure. Disclosure is the most monumental event in modern Earth history; it is this watershed act that will end the dark's seemingly invincible power overnight!

~Esu Gives an Update~ By Jess Anthony May 30, 2011~

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~Esu Gives an Update~

By Jess Anthony

May 30, 2011 - 12:12:25 PM


Esu, I would like further conversations on paper. I feel, once again, that the treading water phase has happened. Gaia says she's in labor. We've had more messages warning the dark not to continue. Has anything changed?

Jess, let's talk. Much has changed that you can't see. Political upheavals are about ready to occur. I know you don't like to hear such potential pronouncements, but movements are taking place that will bring about changes. This undercurrent of dissatisfaction and rebellion even is gaining momentum all over the world. We are helping this upset happen. We do this by active involvement and by steering the flow of information that the mass public is seeing. There is a strong voice of disinformation, that is true, but we are helping to shape the revelations that are undermining what has been manipulated earlier.

~AH HA...the cycle of thinking with your heart begins ~ Planet Alert

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~AH HA...the cycle of thinking with your heart begins ~ Planet Alert~

The tone of AH or HA adds up to nine, which is the frequency of the word love.

I have asked different people if they would tone, or do a ceremony on Monday, May 30 to tune into that energy and ground it in their area. The moon will conjunct Mars, which is in Taurus, on May 30th at 10:43 AM PDT and the moon will conjunct Alcyone on May 31 at 2:56 PM PDT. Anytime during those two days would be good to connect and ground that energy into the Earth, especially during the moon Alcyone conjunction.


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We need rules right? Well, let's look at what rules have brought this world. The American Indians lived in relative peace and harmony for thousands of years. Not that they never fought with each other, but it was nothing compared to the wars going on in Europe at the time. They lived in cooperation with their neighbors and never had any need for strict sets of rules. Then the white man came and brought so-called civilization. He introduced things like property ownership, religion, all sorts of rules that we're supposed to keep people from fighting with each other. Then the white guys proceeded to slaughter the Indians by the hundreds of thousands. Their rules said they could do it. Even their religions, supposedly based upon a guy called the Prince of Peace, allowed for it. So the rules, that people swear up and down bring harmony to the world, brought the exact opposite and actually endorsed genocide.

~THE ARCTURIANS~Coming Earth Changes are a Necessary Part of Gaia’s Cleansing Processs

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~The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaelle, May 30, 2011.~

Channeler: Marilyn Raffaele | http://www.onenessofall.com/

~Coming Earth Changes are a Necessary Part of Gaia’s Cleansing Processs~



Greetings dear ones. We are here once again to tell you of the great light we see flowing ever more powerfully from your earth. You are doing a fine job of adding light to the darkness of the old energy. It may seem as if there is nothing being changed, as if the world is instead growing worse because of all the chaos you see, but we can assure you that the chaos is a part of the cleansing and clearing process.

It is time for the many to re-evaluate their priorities and move forward. Everyone is being given the opportunity at this time to change; to change rigid ways of seeing and being and doing, and in the process release themselves from the old beliefs that have held them in bondage to “this is the way we have always done it, so this is how things must be done”. 


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