~LOVE REPORTER Anrita Melchizedek~
Day 2 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek
From April 13th to April 30th we enter into Day 2 of the Universal Underworld, assimilating on the inner planes the frequencies of Divine Light spiralling forth from the Company of Heaven with a focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom. We are offered an opportunity to enter into the Crystalline City of Light above Mt. Kilauea, Hawaii and Overlighting by the Ascended Masters, Ray Councils of Light, Christed ET's, and the Brotherhood of the Light, experience an initiation of Light that will collectively take our service work to another level of unconditional Love, uniting humanity in these transitional times into the essence of Divine Love and the ability to co-create through this beautiful blue flame of Love and Wisdom . We further have the opportunity to let go of false beliefs between men and women and lift ourselves through the blueprints of Divine Love into the vibrational matrix of Love particular, calling upon our Divine Twin Flames to join with us energetically and/or physically.
Invocation to Day 2 of the Universal Underworld
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Ray Councils and Brotherhood of the Light,