~ Transmuting Negative Vibrations & Living From The Heart~
~Remove Fear And Release ego~
There are several ways to transform a negative state in to a positive one. We must start with releasing our ego, when we release our ego we begin to start letting go of how we want things to be and allow ourselves to surrender to what CAN be. We allow ourselves to move past trying to control the way our future is created and simply allow ourselves to be creation.
In moving past Ego, we can then see our mistakes not as mistakes but as lessons, we can take a deep breath and let everything just be. It is wise however to remove fear from our thought process, for the vibration of fear is what feeds the ego. We fear not having control of our lives and everything that happens around it, By removing fear from our minds, we can then release the ego, and by releasing the ego we are on our way to turning a positive in to a negative.
~Change Your Perception~