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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This New Libra Super Moon is a powerful one!   It is very energized…intense and presents us with some Radical Transformations while we experience Accelerated Evolution!  These chaotic and transformative energies are affecting us all and at times…. bringing in some angst and fear. We are in uncertain times, with the virus that is all around the World and the angst about uncertainty in most areas … but staying out of the fear is extremely important.  These are World Wide events …and this Libra Full Moon is about love, relationships of all kinds and balance! 

These energies seem to be intensifying daily….and they are.  We are in the midst of extreme transformation and it is starting to wear on our physical bodies as well as our mental health.  There is a feeling of total exhaustion.   This is true for everyone including Astrologers themselves.   Remember that the beauty of Astrology is to know the energies you are dealing with so that you can navigate the energies out in the real world a lot better.  But also remember that everyone needs to take care of their bodies and there moods.   If you feel tired…please rest…if you feel lonely…get out of the house and or…do something physical.   These energies will continue to be strong at least till we get to the end of December when they may shift a little. 

GFP Newsletter - 10/15/2020

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Enlightenment is blissfulness, it cannot be serious. It can be sincere but not serious. It will be sheer joy! It will be pure ecstasy!


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Embrace Your Purpose

Your emotional ground may shake, your world may be in the process of turning upside down but, do not let that rattle your faith or knock down your hope.  You are a child of The Universe, gifted with the power to heal yourself and spread love to everyone around you.  Embrace your purpose and continue moving forward in the best way you know how.  You are loved, supported, cherished, admired and respected every step of the way. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 10/14/2020

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When Bodhidharma became enlightened, for seven days he could not stop laughing. Asked again and again, he only said this much: "I am laughing because the whole thing was ridiculous. The goose has always been out, and I was trying to bring it out of the bottle, and the bottle never existed. The whole effort was sheer absurdity, ridiculous! I am laughing at myself and I am laughing at the whole world, because people are trying to do something which need not be done at all. People are trying hard, and the harder they try the more difficult it becomes. Their very effort is the barrier!"


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Deep Cleaning

It is time, dear one, for some course correction/clearing.  The Universe is inviting you to go deep within to find things that no longer serve.  As you are releasing, send them off with love and respect because they did help make you who you are today.  Taking an active part in this ‘deep cleaning’ is creating space for the more loving and caring person you will become. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 14, 2020

Are you using the full power of your focus to concentrate on what you do not want, or are you using your focus to navigate into more of what you prefer? There is nothing wrong with identifying what is not working for you if you then use it to shift into the discovery of what else is possible.

It is the same with fear and doubt. Fear and doubt can be wonderful openings for exploration to help you deepen your healing and move forward in a mindful, conscious way. They only become problematic if they cause you to stagnate and resist the growth and expansion your soul is trying to lead you to.

Another way of asking this is, are you using your free will to deny or embrace your full potential? Because when you use your free will to trust and embrace the guidance of your soul, your highest life expression becomes truly possible. What resistance are you ready to release today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 10/13/2020

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Who has ever heard of serious people becoming enlightened? The serious person cannot become enlightened. Seriousness is a disease; it is the cancer of the soul.

Seriousness is a wrong, utterly wrong approach to life. How can you come to truth through a wrong approach? The serious person is simply ill, pathological. Of course, for thousands of years serious people have dominated us because that is their only joy in life, there is no other joy for them -- the joy of dominating.


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Take A Deep Breath

You are standing on the edge of another series of changes and your future is positively bursting with potential.  Yes, it may be staggering in its immensity but, you have to admit, it is also very thrilling!  The choices being offered can take you any direction you want, draw any experience your heart desires.  If you begin feeling overwhelmed just close your eyes, take a deep breath and listen to your heart.  The Universe will always be there to guide you in the best possible way. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 13, 2020

We understand it can feel very discouraging when the world seems to be going in a direction that is quite the opposite of the new earth you wish to create and experience.

What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward. You might think of how pulling the string backwards on a bow is preparation to the accelerated forward movement of the arrow. It seems contrary to pull the arrow in the opposite direction of where you wish it to go, yet the tension created by the backward movement is exactly what creates the build up of energy needed to catapult things forward.

This applies to the times you are in. Keep your eye on the target. Understand the process and believe in where your soul is calling you and what you know to be true. It is the accumulation of the energy from the breakdown of the old that will launch your forward movement into the new. It is from this viewpoint you can keep your balance and see that you are on the cusp of great change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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