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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 1, 2020

One of the most distinct aspects of the unprecedented energies you are in is you are experiencing two distinct phases of your incarnation. The first phase is being energetically wrapped up and will soon feel very far removed, much like a past life. The next phase is like stepping out into a brand new incarnation.

The beauty of doing this consciously means you get to bring forward all the wisdom and knowledge you had gathered in the first phase and use it to create anew, all based on your latest level of attainment and authenticity. It is profound that you do not need to pass through the veil of forgetfulness and can simply carry on from where you left off.

In many senses, it is like you are in the interlife right now, finishing up your life review and considering what you would like to create and experience moving forward. This is a glorious opportunity for all of you, to pioneer and create from a platform of wisdom and sensitivity, all designed to honour and empower you, your planet, and the collective, as you continue to drive forward the great shift of the ages. Well done, Dear Ones, well done! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 8/31/2020

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I am utterly crazy, and I have no purpose at all. I am just enjoying myself. I love to talk, so I love to talk... Hence, I have a freedom which no thinker can ever have, because he has to be consistent. I don't care at all about any consistency. The moment I have said anything, it is finished; then I don't look back. I have never read any of my books -- I don't even remember the names.

If somebody asks me, "Osho, you have said this in that book..." I say, "Really? It must have been said by somebody else. That man died long ago."

So everything that I am saying is purposeless -- as purposeless as the roses, as a bird on the wing, as the stars, as the dewdrops in the early morning sun. What purpose? I am not in any way purposive. It is sheer joy.


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People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty.

As your moment of awakening draws ever closer, there is a palpable air of excitement worldwide, in spite of all the “bad” news that the mainstream media is focusing on so constantly and vociferously.  Truly, there is much pain and suffering as age-old hatreds and resentments rise into people’s consciousness to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released.  Awareness of the insanity of many of the old patterns of human behavior – one on one, in families, in social, political and religious organizations, and between nations and groups of nations – is spreading, and people are making it clear that change of enormous magnitude and on a global scale is essential NOW!

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Be Who You Are

As your world prepares for yet another huge energy shift, it is good to remember:

You do not have to be anything for anyone. Being yourself, without explanation, is all The Universe asks.

Practice kindness and compassion but maintain healthy boundaries. Your space is sacred, and you deserve to be treated well.

Listen carefully. Your soul and physical being will tell you when it needs a rest. If it does, take it! Respect yourself as you would respect others.

Keep learning. Knowledge is a pathway to greater wisdom and growth. Do not put yourself on hold to please others. Be who you are, be proud of what you have accomplished and love! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 31, 2020

Many people who are on a spiritual journey become cautious about moving forward in bigger ways because they do not wish to “fall into ego”. We wish to address this today.

The ego likes to feel that it is in charge. It is not a part of you that needs eradicating but you do need to understand it and its needs. It is simply self interested and needs to feel important, much like a toddler. Because it is so focused on self, it naturally feeds separation.

It will seek separation by making itself more important than others, and also by separating you from your highest life expression because it fears it will stop being important if you take big steps forward. It tries to dissuade you from taking those big steps forward through the use of fear and doubt. The ego very much likes everything to stay the same and to have a sense of control.

GFP Newsletter - 8/30/2020

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When you react against something you remain attached to it, you cannot be free of it. Reaction is a kind of negative attachment.

I am not reacting, I am simply disconnected. I am discontinuous with the past because that is the only way to live NOW. I have no past and no future. This moment is all!


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Stay Focused

You have been working so diligently, my love!  Clearing, creating, manifesting and brightly shining your light.  Some things have gone well and other have required a bit more effort, but you have continued to move forward.  Now is the time to keep stepping up to the experiences and challenges that are coming into your life.  Do no be dissuaded by the negative, stay focused and know you are on the right path. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 30, 2020

Working with broad intention is a powerful tool, for it honours the core essence of what you would like to experience while leaving plenty of room for the discovery of new matches that surprise and delight you in their divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 8/29/2020

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These are not my ideas, these are my experiences.

And a clear-cut distinction has to be remembered. A blind man can have ideas about light, but that will not help him. A deaf man can have ideas about music, but that will not make him understand music, experience music. I don't have any ideas, these are my experiences. Whatsoever I am saying to you I am not saying it as a philosopher.

I am not a thinker at all; to me thinking is a very low-quality activity. What I am saying is my experiencing. So these are not my ideas on sex, these are actual experiences. And I am not trying to indoctrinate you, I am simply inviting you to experience what I have experienced. So I don't ask you to believe in me.



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