Archangel Michael messages

Conversations with Archangel Michael ~ Crystal Children of the New Age. – Channeled by Debbie Erasmus

Blue Diamon's picture


An interesting subject today and one I’ve been wanting to talk about for some time. The children that are coming to Earth now are highly evolved beings and they come with a purpose in mind. I’m interested to hear what Michael has to say about these children.


These children are a new breed of Crystal children and their primary purpose is to raise the consciousness of the planet as a whole. They are highly evolved Beings, this is correct.


Does this mean they are incarnating on 5th Dimensional Gaia?


It does, very much so. Gaia is, as you know, is already on the 5th Dimension, but she has people who are still on the 3rd and 4th Dimension, and people who are on the 5th with her. Some of these children incarnated before 21st December 2012 and those would have ascended along with Gaia.


Thank you for this confirmation. What precisely are their roles here?


For one they will be bringing much needed Light with them through their elevated level of consciousness and they will be setting an example for others to follow. These children have come also to show the way to those that are already here. In essence these children are the new wayshowers.


Are these children in any way similar to other Crystal children?


Archangel Michael ~ The energies of this upcoming Equinox. – Channeled through Debbie Erasmus

Blue Diamon's picture

Beloveds I am once more able to channel through this scribe who has been very busy over the last two months. She is dear to my heart and I have waited patiently for her to once more be my scribe.

My message to you today is of the utmost importance as it involves the energies that are building with the upcoming Equinox. I wish to say that it is almost upon you that you will find yourselves in a whole new Light. The energies from this Equinox will be the strongest you have felt since 12.21.12. These energies will help you integrate higher levels of consciousness that will help you integrate your energy with the highest expression of your Self.


I want to express my concern that some of you are having with regards to financial abundance. It seems as if you are still caught up in the old paradigm of thinking that you need money in order to survive in the Earth realm. Dear Ones, I have told you many times, it is not money you need, but Love.  In the mornings before you do anything else, call upon yourselves the Pink Ray of Divine Love and ask it to fill your entire being with its consciousness and allow yourselves to bask in this feeling of being unconditionally and completely loved.


It is this high vibrational energy that will draw to you all that you need in order to fulfill your missions here. I want to add that you can call upon the Pink Ray of Divine Love at any time during your day to be in the vibration of unconditional love whenever you feel yourselves dipping into the old paradigm.



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