
The Brotherhood of Light - World Liberation Day

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The Brotherhood of Light


World Liberation Day

(Received and Edited by Dr Moe)



The Light has finally shone down on us this day,

this day we shall call Liberation!


The Light has lifted Itself up to praise and honor those Lightworkers below, standing guard on Mother Earth.


Be at Peace!  Be at Peace!  Be at Peace!


The Light says "trust your heart now, for that is the only way to Heaven from this day forward."


Message from the Ashtar Command 6/27/12 ‘Cue the Orchestra’

Greg_ Giles's picture



What we wish to do is remove this pyramidal power structure of abuse and control that has been designed here in your world and has been used as an organized means to attempt to control your every thought, your every movement, your every dream, your every wish, your every day and your every way of your existence. We see the removal of each and every one of these blocks that comprise this massive pyramid as the most important steps for you as a race to take. Nothing can be done until these dark lords of power are removed from your society. They have plotted and schemed and bribed and stolen and abused and threatened and murdered their way deep into the trenches of every system and form of government all throughout your entire world.


They have left barely a stone unturned in their pursuit of total control and domination of your countries and every citizen within them. They were not planning on stopping their assault until every human alive was made their prisoner. This is how they think. These are the thought processes of those who currently control your world on a daily basis. They do not know decency, for they do not understand decency. They do not understand love, charity, mercy, kindness, forgiveness or empathy. They do not know the meaning of these words. These words are foreign to them, and so are the emotional expressions that accompany them, for they do not possess the same inner strings as you do and therefore these notes cannot be plucked no matter how hard one tries to teach them the music, for they cannot hear the music and they will never willingly dance to it.


Update!- World Liberation Event: Operation First Contact

windswim's picture

Im currently waiting on intel from COBRA for the plans of a Los Angeles World Liberation Conference. I have also contacted Drake, InLight radio and more to get this to start happening in all regions asap!  Stay tuned. Please Support.           

This is an event for the awareness of WORLD LIBERATION, DISCLOSURE AND ASCENSION!

A true ascension story to inspire beginners and still sleeping souls.

strongwings's picture






My given name is Gokhan A., but I am not Gokhan A.

I was born in Turkey; so they told me that I was Turkish, but I am not.

I was born in to Islam religion so I was thought only Islam, but I am not Muslim.


Yes, indeed I was Gokhan A., Turkish, Muslim. They were all written on my Turkish Citizen I.D. card so I believed them and lived accordingly for almost 33 years.

I am 33 years old now. I am not Gokhan A., I am not Turkish, I am not Muslim.


So who am I? Where do I belong? What is my religion?


I am Strong Wings. I don’t belong to any government drawn, bordered lands. Because I don’t believe in borders and I absolutely don’t believe in governments and I don’t believe in nationalist history books. I believe religions are to show the direction of oneness to humanity but most of them lost the purity. I don’t need religions anymore because I am ONENESS. I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions. I broke out the energetic prisons. I am awaken and I am ascending. I am ascending with my soul mate Yuuka Shimada. We met just few months ago in India. She had changed my life. She purified me. 

I will tell you. I will tell you how I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions and the energetic prisons. I will tell you about my first and only novel “Gaak and Baap” which is about two soul mates finding each other and ascending and becoming God and Goddess; is becoming truth for me, my soul mate and for rest of humanity, right now. I will tell you what soul mate is and what the feeling at the moment of finding is. I will tell you what waking up and ascending are. I will tell you how it feels to be God and Goddess. I will tell you what is happening to you in the year of 2012 and what will happen on 21st December 2012.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/25/12 ‘Television’s Dark Agenda’

Greg_ Giles's picture

What is excitement and what is relaxation? What we would like to discuss with you today, dear ones, are your choices to engage yourselves in either activities and leisure that will lead to feelings of excitement, raised blood pressure, a raised pulse rate and raised awareness of your bodily senses, or will you seek refuse in activities and leisure that will allow your body to rest , to heal and to remain quiet and calm while you soak in energies that are so vital to you for healing, for growth and for the strengthening of your physical vessel which includes the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself as well as the physical compounds of your vessel.


We see so many of you running here to there, hustling and bustling, trying to make the most out of and squeeze the most out of every moment of your every day, and we suggest to you that these patterns are not conducive to what will bring out for you your higher good and your healthier bodies. We suggest to you to instead seek more quiet time, seek more periods of rest and relaxation where your bodies can remove themselves from constant stimuli and better heal themselves and rebuild themselves, better strengthening themselves for the next steps on your journey. This is what we like to see more of. We would like to see more of you reading books rather than watching television, as television and its constant bombardment of visual and sonic stimuli leads to a diffusion of your energy and leaves tattered holes all throughout your being, through each layer that is your combined vessel.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/24/12 ‘It is our Ships in Your Skies’

Greg_ Giles's picture

We will be home soon enough. The time for our departure is not now and that is the important thing to recognize, as it is always most important to keep what is now before you on your plate and not anything else as this is how things get done. We still have much work to do and it is important that those of you who will be in charge of these projects keep what is important and what is the task at hand in the forefront of your waking consciousness. This is not the time for daydreaming about what it will be like in the days ahead, as this thought processing is not conducive to the thoughts and the actions that are vital to the successful completion of the task before you today.


What is important is what presents itself to you in the now moment, nothing else is important as nothing else is real. It is not your past that is real and it is not your future that is real, it is only what presents itself in the now that is real. Do you understand this? Do you understand you cannot go back and you cannot go forward, you can only exist within the now moment, and the now moment calls for your absolute attention to get the jobs done that will see to a successful reunion with us, your teammates who's efforts we see as very necessary to assist you complete the tasks that will allow for as smooth a transition as is possible for you up ahead.


Update!- World Liberation Event: Operation First Contact

windswim's picture

         Im currently waiting on intel from COBRA for the plans of the Los Angeles World Liberation Conference. I have also contacted Drake, InLight radio and more to get this to start happening in all regions asap!  Stay tuned. Please Support.           

This is an event for the awareness of WORLD LIBERATION, DISCLOSURE AND ASCENSION!

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/23/12 ‘Ghosts, Ghouls & Goblins’

Greg_ Giles's picture


Of the many projects needed to be tackled here in your world are the many projects concerning the cleanup, the removal and the purification of pollutants and toxins that have been littered and stored, many times improperly, all over and within your planet. What we must accomplish together with you is to locate all of this waste product and find a suitable means to dispose of it properly, which means not to throw it or store it someplace on or within your planet, but to find a way to purify it so that its energetic properties are reinvested into the energy of our universe.


This is how waste is properly disposed of in more advanced worlds of your universe. The means of your current waste disposal systems are archaic and should never have been devised in the first place, as dumping garbage into your oceans and into landfills is not conducive for a healthy planet or a healthy you. We have teams that specialize in this field and who are eager to share with you their wisdom and experience on the proper methods of waste purification and recycling management of the toxins and pollutants that litter your world. There are at this time many avenues of choice to rid your world of these pollutants and we will discuss these choices with you and choose a suitable means to accomplish this chore with you. We will supply you all the tools that you will need, as well as all the expertise we can share with you and all the supervision you may require to get this job done, but we wish to make it clear it will be you who  gets these jobs done and not us, as it is not our planet and it is not our responsibility but yours to keep your planet clean, healthy and beautiful for all future generations to enjoy, to prosper and to experience what life can be like on the physical plateau.



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