This stage of the journey is interesting – most people are terrified, lost or tired of the wait. Each of these emotions is about separation – not unity. If you are fearful, there is some “other” who you have given your power over to. If you are lost, you are imagining there is a right or a wrong way to proceed. If you are waiting then you have somehow decided that your actions will be set into motion once someone else does something first.
There is no one else. We are one. Ascension is now and it is not for sissies. It is for you.
I am and have been all of these things (terrified, lost and tired), depending on the day or event. I have taken a step back from this blog because frankly, I need to stop relentlessly checking for the “green light” or latest arrest or most recent spaceship sighting. I need to go within, for here is where I find the truth about ascension. The only one I can do anything about is me. I am not in charge of the world’s ascension; I am in charge of my own.
So I’ve taken a journey within and found the little girl who began this journey – she was brave and chubby, quiet and smart, obedient and perpetually hopeful. She knew that whatever she was going through was not the point. She knew today would come and it would be worth it. It is for that little girl, who had every reason to be afraid but wasn’t – that I will ascend with all of you.
I have taken her and held her close and watched her become me – felt her become me. I love her absolutely, unconditionally and completely. She was my missing piece. I could not proceed down this road without her. She is me, part of my dream, essential to this journey and the strength of my core.
There may be for you, a “little you”, an issue, a person, a chore, a body part, a