
Message from the Ashtar Command 5/9/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



Expand each day into something new and something creative, as each morning is another opportunity for you and another gift to make a reality what you have come here to experience. Unfolding before you is the roadmap you have drawn up for yourself, and it is this map that will take you to the places and the people that you wish to experience while you are here in this 3rd dimensional world.


To leave here without experiencing all that you came here to taste would be a lost opportunity that you may not get the chance to experience again in this type of setting, as many of you will not be coming back this way as your forays into the physical are over for you if this is what you wish for yourself. This is one of the choices you will be asked to make in the days ahead, as presenting themselves to you will be opportunities for you to travel ahead or to come back behind and perhaps do things a little differently.


There are no penalties for you if you choose to come back again and do things over. Not everyone is ready to leave the physical realm behind and continue their journey on into the spiritual realms of existence. There is a great deal to learn and to experience here in the physical, and there will always be plenty of opportunities for you to ascend into the higher realms. It is a wise soul who understands when the time has come to begin a new journey and when it is time to retrace the steps they have taken and use this blessed opportunity to make different choices that will allow them to experience things that they may have missed and may wish to experience before they move on.


Galactic Federation of Light Message - May 10th 2012.

Star Gazer - Cheryl's picture

We see a lot of you still very firmly enmeshed in your third dimensional lives, either unable or unwilling to move beyond the restraints that are holding you back and not allowing you to move beyond, into the higher realms.

Releasing 3rd dimensional restraints is an essential part of ascension, so if you are struggling with any aspect of this, you need to ask yourselves a few questions.

What is is that is holding me back?

Why am I unwilling/unable to move beyond this restraint?

What am I willing to do about it?

Know that we are always here to offer you guidance and assistance with any concern or any situation that you are unable to cope with on your own. Indeed, many situations will not be resolved until you admit that you do need assistance.

W have been here for millenia. As have you. The only advantage that we hold over you at this time is that we remember. Everything. Whereas you do not - due to the veil of forgetfulness which befell you upon your arrival on Earth.

Is it pride preventing you from seeking help? Confusion? Fear? Whatever 3rd dimensional emotion you are struggling to deal with at the moment, know that all you have to do is ask, and we will gladly assist you in any way we can.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/8/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



To read in accordance information as it is intended, a channel must put aside any randomly scattered thoughts and memories and focus on nothingness, as this is the proper way to receive information from conscious higher dimensional sources as opposed to pulling in information that has been stored within libraries of knowledge throughout this universe. There are many of those who are channeling information at this time, and many of these individuals are funneling information from these vast libraries that are located in many different areas and through the many dimensions. These individuals are then sharing this information with others as if it were sent to them from conscious, higher dimensional beings to share with those of your world.



This is not the case, as the records that have been preserved within these libraries are meant to be shared with you at a time when they can be shared with you properly, in the right order and in some kind of cohesiveness, by fully trained and experienced channels who have gained the proper authority and learned the proper usage of this vast wealth of information and knowledge. We do not wish to see at this time channels who have not gained the necessary experience tapping into these libraries and sharing bits and pieces of many different collections of records and historical documents.



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/7/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


The Justice Journey #7 is a particular journey a soul will incarnate through once it is decided that it is this lesson the soul wishes and needs to learn to continue advancing as a being of light through this journey we call existence. There are many different themed journeys that a soul can partake in, and the Justice Journey is but one of them.


Each one of you at this time is on a particular themed journey. Each one of you has chosen your journey and all of the lessons that will be presented to you while you are incarnated within the physical. Many of the friends that you meet and many of the antagonists that you meet have been carefully selected by you, in order to help facilitate the learning of the particular lessons tied to the journey of knowledge, wisdom and experience that you are currently on.


When it is time to wrap up the journey you are on and all the lessons you have learned it is then time to come home. Once you are home again you can carefully reflect upon all the lessons that you have learned and perhaps lessons that you have also missed. You have plenty of time to look back over your life and examine just where problems may have arisen due to your yet unsuccessful opportunities to learn particular lessons designed to bring about the entire picture to you and allow you to gain wisdom in a particular area of your choosing.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/6/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



The Pleiadians are a group of entities that are here at this time assisting your planet and your people in your time of ascension, and have been here assisting your world for many years leading up to this point in your history. There are many different groups of entities here at this time, and all of the groups that are here now are here for the better welfare of your planet and your people. There are no longer any other groups of entities that are here for any other purposes.


It is true that at certain points throughout the period of your history there were other groups that were here and not for your better interest but for their own interests, and the better welfare of your planet and your people did not enter into their politics or their agendas. This is no longer the case, and it is very important for the people of your world who have begun to read articles and messages from certain sources of information about these other beings and of their agendas to understand that what they are reading is either untruths, disinformation, outright lies or fabrications, or pieces of the history of your planet that are no longer contributing factors to your daily proceedings and of your future.


Truth Reporting with Discernment & Love !

Anonymous's picture


cloud ship over Nanaimo harbour

Please use discernment with regards to my commentary on these photographs. I am interested only in reporting pure truth, but please know this is a very personal journey which makes reporting a lived and emotional experience. I just finished taking this photograph over Nanaimo harbour. There was plummeting trails connecting/interacting with circular/oval shaped clouds. This is a common theme if you look at many photos being shared around the world. I won't try to explain it in third-dimensional scientific language, but there are many who can. Put it this way - I absolutely completely 100% belief that we are being visited right now by beings from other worlds. And that they completely love us and Gaia, and are here to us herald in this great movement of love and light. In addition, there are many many heroes amongst us who are about to stand up and do very brave things to display the greatest levels of light that they each have in them. Thank you to the strongest of the strong and the bravest of the brave!


the watchers by artisan Mark

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/4/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


You can count on disclosure of our presence in your world, as this is a very important step towards all the changes for you that we have discussed. Without disclosure taking place, many of these changes could not occur, as our presence is necessary to assist you to facilitate these many changes that in some cases will require greatly advanced technologies than what you currently possess here in your world.

What we can offer you is an entirely new beginning with an entirely new set of rules that will allow everyone of your planet to reap the benefits of a truly modern Galactic society. What you have here today in your world are technologies and a set of rules that are set up to only allow a select few to benefit greatly while so many others toil their lives away working to make all that is possible a reality for these select few. Our plans are to change all of this and implement a new structure that will allow all of you to benefit greatly as you enjoy much more freedom and personal time, away from the drudgery of daily servitude.

The models that we are basing your new system upon have already been implemented in many parts of this universe, and have demonstrated that they are systems that do work and that can allow the members of these societies to prosper greatly in many different ways. Allow us to implement this new structure here in your world, and you will quickly see the benefits manifest for each and every one of you.

Message from the Ashtar Command 5/2/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Your friends of the Ashtar Command wish to say to you at this time that we see the changes in your world spoken of so often taking shape and smoothly progressing each and every day as you approach a new era in your history. It will be so that your world experiences changes on a grand scale, and each and every one of your planet will experience wonderful upgrades and advancements to your lives. There will be no one left out in the cold, as all will be made available to each and every one of you that chooses a new way and a new experience.


Although it is true that there will be those of you who do not make this transition, we say to you that all those who wish to make this transition will successfully leave the old paradigm behind them. How this will all manifest is up to each and every one of you to think about and ponder for yourselves, as we feel it is important for you to utilize your imaginations and think about the many possibilities and the many different paths you as individuals and as a society can travel.


Seeing the Picture clearly

SophiaLove's picture

It is May. In the Midwest U.S., a time for flowers and graduation ceremonies; transitions.  The arrival of the new, even if we’ve seen it every year, is celebrated.  It brings us to the past – perhaps our own graduation or last years tulips.  We are systemically changing this month, without anything to relate to; a bit disconcerting.


Our brains are associative.  We won’t even see a thing unless we have something else similar to relate it to.  Moving forward without a map is part and parcel to the way seer manifesto.  This is untraveled ground.


Brand new thought sticks out there like an optical illusion. Sometimes even after being told its there, we can’t make it out.  It takes concentrated effort and intention.  We will need both as we proceed, we are entering uncharted territory.  This is the fun part.


My entire body sort of hums now.  Several weeks ago the internal motor started and today the subtle vibration and sparkling is constant – I barely acknowledge it.  This week there are waves of energy, resulting in a sensation of spinning.  My diet and sleep patterns are all over the map, which is true for my entire family.  Something new shows up almost every day and we adjust to the level so that the next stage can occur.  Ascension or the move to the “next dimension” has to happen gradually so that we can assimilate it comfortably.  The plan here is for amazing yet not shocking.  We want to enjoy this.


So let’s relax a bit.  As our eyes and bodies adjust, let’s see and feel the change without worry or confusion.  We are brilliant beings of light who have been tasked with moving a planet and her people out of density in “real time”.  We will live through whatever scenario we collectively create.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/30/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



Two test participants of equal amounts of wealth traded an equal amount of wealth with each other. A person of your elitist class traded his wealth for the wealth of someone of less fortunate means. These types of experiments have been conducted in your world for many eons. What we have been attempting to do is to carefully study the motives and behavior of the human psyche development over the many long years of your journey through means of artificial stimuli, sometimes concerning monetary gains and losses, and sometimes other situations that have tested you and measured your growth and your development in many different ways.


We are not here to play games or meddle with your lives irresponsibly. We are here conducting serious scientific evaluations and experiments to better understand the being that is human, and to better prepare you for your advancement in becoming Galactic beings and a Galactic society as well. We do not wish to see any of you suffer unduly through such experiments, and each of you that has taken part in these experiments has given us your complete permission before any of these procedures are carried out. Never are any of you selected for such assignments without discussing in advance exactly what these experiments will entail and demonstrating your willingness to cooperate in these field tests. Each of you that has participated in these tests either have been or will be rewarded in one way or another, which has also been discussed with you and these terms were agreed upon by you prior to your participation in these experiments.



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