Beautiful Artwork – “Hearts full * Sunsets * Sweet life” by Lori Portka
The Abundance gene exists within each and every one of us, but how do we activate this magical gene? Does it have an on/off switch and if so how can I set mine to stay ON??
Abundance is not just about having a never ending flow of money, as we are all aware by now, but money is necessary if we are to continue living and surviving in this human existence. For now, at least.
The Key (capital K) is to focus not on money, but on abundance. Whilst we lived in the 3rd dimension we focused on money and what money could buy. But now that we’ve raised our frequency somewhat, we are being asked to change our focal point away from money to love.
Love Consciousness = An Abundant Life
But what does this mean and just how do we do that?
It means changing your focus from ‘need’ to that of ‘abundance’. It means developing an ABUNDANCE CONSCIOUSNESS.
This is extremely difficult for some, especially those of us who are self-employed and forgotten what its like to have the security of a monthly pay check.
The 3D consciousness was/is all about NEED fueled by fear. 5D consciousness is all about ABUNDANCE fueled (given power ) by LOVE.
So how exactly do we get our abundance (money) issues resolved now once and for all?
By shifting your awareness and consciousness to BE-ing ABUNDANT.