Dr. Lenny Thyme

Science and Spirituality: Chat Room tomorrow at 9:00 am PST

lemme howdt's picture

Tomorrow morning, thursday equinox 3/21/13 - Dr. Lenny Thyme - lemme's alter ego - will be conducting a formal group discussion on science and spirituallity in the tinychatroom at http://tinychat.com/soundofheart  .


The discussion will take place from a 3D science perspective - attempting to figure out what we can believe and what we really do not know.  The borders of consciousness are found in molecular water - as above, so below holds according to the Fibonacci sequence. (note the date contains three fibonacci numbers)


The idea is to bring science to everybody's understanding level.  This is an experiment - lemme doesn't want to lose people, but there are things we think we know that we have no idea aren't real.   There are many topics in science - Dr. Lenny Thyme is a PhD chemist/philosopher and shares his blog with lemme - who is a poet and a bard.  We hope to have fun - no topic is off limits, although some will be postponed to a later date.


We are going to figure out a common form of 5-D that people can grok.  Namaste'


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