This is my first channeling with the Devas of the Crystal Kingdom. It's a short message, but they asked that I share it with you. ~ Debbie
We are excited to welcome so many of you home today. Many of you will be returning home on the energies of the Equinox and we want to say that you are loved beyond anything that you can comprehend at this time.
You are all so welcome at this time because Gaia is in need of your increased Light. You are the Starseeds of your planet and you have a significant role to play in her Ascension. Your planet needs you now and you will not disappoint her. You are all of the higher dimensions and you are all qualified to do your part. You must not have any doubts now for you will not need further qualification to complete your missions.
I want to say that you are all most welcome back with us. You are going to be just wonderful, all of you, and we cannot wait to greet you!
[Debbie] Thank you!
You are welcome!. We want to say that we called you many years ago to work with us and we are so grateful that you have accepted. We cannot wait for you to call us when you are ready.
[Debbie] I am grateful too that you want to work with me! I will be calling on you soon!.
Copyright © Debbie Erasmus. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given: http://archangelsanddevas.wordpress.com