Freedom Project

David Icke - The Movie And The Secret Agenda

Rain's picture


GFP Note: The Illusion and the powers that were
(the Cabal/minions) are dissolving.
In every moment, Humanity has two choices: Love or fear.
Choose Love and the illusion will dissolve that much faster.
Love Wins!


David Icke - We Are Genius!

Rain's picture


GFP Note: True Manifestation occurs in the Present Moment of Now. When you raise your vibration and Serve Love, Love will Serve You. We are Co-Creating the New Earth with Love ~ the only thing that is Real.


George Carlin ~ The Planet Is Fine

Rain's picture


The planet is fine, the people are ____ed up. Everybody's running around trying to save the planet but the planet doesn't need that. The planet will take care of itself.



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