Freedom Project

A Dozen Rare Bumblebees Found in Oregon National Forest (+Video)

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Bumblebee Mount Hood: A Dozen Rare Bumblebees Found in Oregon National Forest (+Video)

Epoch Times - Zachary Stieber, 9/19/13


A dozen rare western bumblebees were discovered in western Oregon, around 15 years ago after the type of bee mysteriously dissipated west of the Cascade Mountains.



“In the last 15 years there have only been about 15 sightings of this bumblebee west of the Cascades,” Hatfield said in the announcement. “This discovery suggests that this species might have a chance to repopulate its range.”

Occupy Wall Street Is Dead, Long Live Occupy

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Bloomberg Business Week - 9/18/13, Drake Bennett


Occupy Wall Street protesters marching from United Nations headquarters to New York's Bryant Park on Sept. 17

Occupy Wall Street protesters marching from United Nations headquarters to New York's Bryant Park on Sept. 17


Tuesday marked the two-year anniversary of the official birth of the Occupy Wall Street movement. On Sept. 17, 2011, a small band of activists took over Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park and made it their own, until Mayor Michael Bloomberg (founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, which publishes this magazine) cleared them out two raucous months later. In contrast to the thousands who packed the park in 2011, Tuesday’’s anniversary at Zuccotti Park was small—around 100 people showed up. There were scattered gatherings elsewhere. It was tempting to conclude that the movement is well and truly defunct—something people were already saying on its first birthday). In a conversation last month, one of the movement’s earliest organizers, David Graeber, told me he was “taking a little time off” from the movement.

I Am - A Photo Poem

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This is a poem I wrote last year, transcribed on a photo I took around the same time.

Please enjoy and share if you like!




I am a Heart filled with Love
I am the clouds that float above


I am the dove, bringing peace
I am soft winds that never cease


I am the puppy who brings you joy
I am a happy little boy


I am multi-dimensional Light
I am the eagle taking flight



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