Freedom Project

Starships - What Are They, Really?

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GFP Note: I've added this to our FAQ/Ascension Primer as part of our new Disclosure Project. You can read the rest of the FAQ/Primer by visiting this page.

We have 24 Motherships stationed near Earth right now. Our motherships are huge – they are larger than Mother Earth = Heart. Our flag ship is called Eye of Ra, Heart of Light. There are also millions of smaller starships in Earth’s atmosphere right now. All the ships are cloaked most of the time. A lot of the ships that people see are our scout craft. The Foo Fighters seen in WWII were scout craft, for example.

Our starships are consciousness – they are made of souls. Every Being on this planet has a soul - this means that you are your own starship. And, the Starships are ourselves - our Soul Housing Unified. A starship is the true experience of a unified consciousness. How do we travel so fast, across vast distances? Because we are are already there = here.

Pre~ First Contact Information

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Pre~ First Contact Information ~
The Original Light, and The First Thought is Love


Pre-First Contact Update of the Highest Truths= High Velocity Light. Truth is Love in its Highest Form. Through Truth, Honest Information, Healing can Be Accomplished. This is Our Service To ALL of YOU. They Have called Us Many names, one being The Bringers of The Light, Meaning Bringers of the Truth. Light is The same as Truth.


WE Provide You the Whole Truth, not bits and pieces, or parts, which is still separation and the old paradigm. The New Paradigm is Wholeness, Healing, Unconditional Love, Oneness with Everything, Completeness, Peace, Happiness, Joy, This IS What WE Represent and are Bringing in for Planet Earth=Heart. The True Whole Information in its Entirety. For Through this Healing Occurs indefinitely. Love and Truth Heal!!!


More: Pre~ First Contact Information


Canada's Stonehenge

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Uploaded by lyncadence on Jun 16, 2009

The discovery of a 5000-year-old Sun Temple and an ancient time machine—a Stone Age calendar—in Canada led scientist Gordon Freeman to ground-breaking discoveries in Stonehenge. During field work and research from 1986 to 2006, Freeman found striking similarities between the surface geometry of the two sites. These similarities push back the boundaries of written history and have far-reaching implications for North American and European history.


Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 1/6

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'In this companion DVD to The Irish Origins of Civilization (Volumes 1 and 2), Michael Tsarion discusses the historical significance of ancient Ireland and takes us on a truly fascinating journey through time, from the Emerald Isle to Egypt and back again full circle. Along the way we are introduced to the Druids and also to their destroyers, the Atonists. We discover the origins of the world's most powerful secret societies and the New World Order they labor to create. We discover secret facts about the royal dynasties of Britain and Europe, the Empire of Rome, and about Masonic influence in America. Featuring over 560 illustrations, and rare source material, this DVD series dramatically revolutionizes our view of history and explains what can be done to combat the tyrannical forces that have long conspired to undermine truth, freedom and justice.'

Black Budget Business Booming

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Published on Jul 11, 2012 by

The Pentagon's classified programs make up about 10% of its budget and continues to grow, despite plans to wind down wars. RT's Kristine Frazao takes a closer look at what the Black Budget is and discusses what very little we know about it.




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