
I am pleased to see how everything unfolds – Lady Maria through Isabel Henn December 12, 2012

Gabrielle's picture

Maria 2



My beloved children, on this all-important day – with the meditations in which your intention and love found expression – you all have helped your beloved Gaia with her final Ascension into the 5th Dimension.


The vibrations on Earth have increased enormously and could then accomplish this. All negative and low energies will leave the earth now for good in the next few days up to your Ascension climax on 21.12. You’re going to feel lighter and more loving now. The portal for the ascent also of man has been opened and now stays open for a while. Some people have ascended into the higher dimensions today, many will follow and after the 21.12. the chance for late bookers will remain. Do not worry so. You have all the options open, even after this so long awaited day.


Remain in your love and send your light furthermore into the grids of the world to enhance the desired effect yet. You help so many people who have not decided yet. You arise their desire for more, for love and oneness in them, and give them so the opportunity for a life in peace and love. So many of you Lightworkers and Wayshowers could feel the Oneness with All-That-Is during the global meditations. You received my essences of the Divine Mother that unfold slowly now in you. Still rest a lot and also drink much clear water so that the energies can flow through your bodies.


Finial Activations, & Finial Awakenings- Gaia, Humanity, All of Gods Creations 12-12-12, Part 2 of 2

lynmarie8's picture

Law of One Released from Karma and Activated and of in Presents for New World.


SaRa Key used to amplify to Cleans Humanities DNA/RNA as well as Activates Parasympathetic Nervous system and light bodies. Included Gaia, God Creations.


Raised vibration to the highest possible vibration that each being, gods creations, Gaia could be raised to at this time.


All Blue Ray Beings were Activated, Key Codes awaken,  and Called to there divine Purpose.


Acturian Key Codes were used to awaken, activated to beings completed 12-12-12.

this activations will assists in moving beings on to there path, purpose.


The GateKeepers, Lightsavers and code Catchers were fully Awaken and fully Activated.


Activation and Call fourth of Soul Families to come together at this time for planetary work coming New Earth set in Motion.


Finial Activations, & Finial Awakenings- Gaia, Humanity, All of Gods Creations 12-12-12, Part 1 of 2

lynmarie8's picture

Finial Activations, & Finial Awakenings~ Gaia, Humanity, All of Gods Creations 12-12-12, Part 1 of 2

Activation of Red Crystal Mt. Shasta

~Rainbow Bridge ~ Has been fully created and is Bring Heaven to Earth- Fully Activated


-Signet Councils of 12 with Star Gates 1-10 are in agreeance 100% to help Gaia, Humanity with the rest of this Accession process - There are Mix Groups from each Star Gate with Assigned Projects that were agreed upon by all Set in Motion 12-11-12.

Activations, Awakenings for All Ascensions seats have been set into motion. Also Were Asked to dismantal all Global Weapons of Mass destruction.


-Awakened and Activated beings of Carriers of Key codes, Accession Keys, New Codes of New World, Fire Codes of 12 and 48 were full activated and aligned with Golden Rule, 144 sacred Geometry.


-Completion of full Activation of all Master Crystals, Crystal Pyramids as above as below, Linked with Golden 144 Ratio


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ It Is Time ~ 12.10.12

franheal's picture

Yeshua ~ It Is Time ~As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 12.10.12





Hello dear ones, I come before you today, on this auspicious day, one of many to come. I beseech you to Be with and gather all you can of Creator’s Divine Love, to absorb it and sift it and spread it through your Heart and out to all your fellow Beings and the Earth Mother.

Oh, these are glorious days, where you have such an opportunity to lift your spirits to untold heights, dear ones. The energies are building and showering you. Stop and be still many times in the day and welcome it, for this is your opportunity for complete transformation. Yes, you have heard this, but we want to be sure that the next eleven days have your complete attention.

In your preparations for 12-12-12, be sure and pay attention to any thoughts of unity and connection to your fellow Beings and Earth. Wrap it all in a ball of Light and hold it in your Heart and expand with it. Feel the Abundance and Joy and Love that all are beginning to experience and make a prayer for all to experience it to the “nth” degree. Go bigger. Go larger. Go lighter. Go brighter. You bring everyone along with you that way.

Orion Star Gate - 2012 Dec 2-3, 2012 Special Activation, Alignment, Above-Below

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Orin Star Gate - 2012 Dec 2-3, 2012 Special Activation, Alignment, Above-Below

All will be activated on timelines around planted

Activation of Language of Light Open with portal

Connected to all 12 Star Gates

Connected Blue, Green, Platinum Crystals from Atlantis, fully activated, aligned

Connected Pyramids Giza, and others were Awakened, Activated for planetary alignment

Connected Sphinx Awakened, Activated

Connected to Golden Ratio as above as below.

Connected to Lions gate

Activations to fully Awaken: Crystal, Rainbow, Indigo children

Awakened aligned with New Law of Justice

Awakened Quantum Awareness, coherences

Awakened Sacred sites of all Zero Point, Anchored in, aligned and Harmonized, brought in Zero point Harmonics for Gaia, Humanity all of God Creations, As above as below.



"You Must Choose" and to Accept all work I Have Done for all of Humanity!"

lynmarie8's picture

HI to All

You must "Choose" to accept the work that has been done for all of you.  It has been placed in the Crystalline Grid!.  All work I have done for Humanity is waiting for you to choose!. You must do your part and be of consciousness, be aware to receive it. This is so there will be no misunderstand of what you are receiving. As we have made blind decisions in the past, were not told the whole truth before accepting what we came here to experience the human experienced. The Choice is yours but you must choose to be Free to leave the illusion!


My blogs and content that is in the crystalline grid is waiting for you to choose and have it without the pain and suffering. I have done the pain and suffering, transmuting, figuring out what went wrong, miscommunications, for you to be released from these things.


You will be cleared from your Karma contracts from Illusion, keeping all lessons learned by all parties.


You will Thank the person for all your lessons, while forgiving them and sending them unconditional love. Forgiving yourself Loving yourself.


Removing all emotional and physical trauma, releasing all old habits patterns, repeating patterns, Never to allow or repeat these things again. Then receive what is in your highest and best.


The choice is yours - do you wanted to be free of 3D Illusion. You must take action and Choose. This was set up by source to stop you from choosing blindly!


More work has and will continue to put into the Grid for Gaia, Humanity, all of Gods Creations. It will be blogged about when work is ready for you to receive.



4 Little Souls - My 11:11 Experience

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Sunday was a good day. I meditated. I rested. I did puzzles. I did a little bit of laundry. Life is good. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened for me that day. Although, I am learning a new definition of ordinary each day, so that might be a bad statement. Nothing spiritually significant happened to me that day. I am not complaning. It was a good, restful day. I suppose I would say that I was more in touch with my emotions. I got to thinking about Christmas one year when my dad got my sister and I each a pellet gun. We were not too excited about them. My next present was a gift that my mom picked out - a book about Josh Hartnett. (My teenage years... yes). I freaked out and was super excited. My Dad's feeling were hurt. I felt that again. I cried. I released. I forgive.


Monday morning, I woke up around 4:00 feeling like I was going to get sick. I sat up and ran to the bathroom definitely thinking that I wasn't going to make it. But, by the time I got to the bathroom the feeling had passed. I sat on the floor for a few minutes, just to make sure but it was gone. I went back to bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up a few hours later to get around for work, I felt... not okay. Tired, icky, bogged down... something along those lines. I went in that morning and ended up deciding to take the afternoon off.


I left work close to 1:00 came home where my babies were waiting for me in bed. :) Josh and our dogs, Tonks and Snatch, all snuggling waiting for me to join. Of course, I did. I crawled in between Josh and Tonks and boy I felt good. There was so much LOVE! in that room. I was cradled in a cocoon of Love and I knew everything was perfect. And it was going to stay perfect.


Unlocked from All Illusion - For Gaia, Humanity, all of God's Creations!

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All of Humanity and Gods creations will receive on 11-10-12


All who are open to receive and be released from:


Removal of:

All programing Locked into Dark energies.

Being locked into seeing, hearing, speaking in the illusion.

All spiritual gifts locked into the illusion.

Being locked into the illusion of time.

Being locked into the illusion of Karmic Debt.

Being locked into the fear of the dark forces of the master plane of illusion forever – to have the human experience.


All of Gods creations Agreed to trade part of their soul or it was used as collateral to come to earth for the human experience. And allowed it and accepted it knowingly or unknowing to be here.


Download of:

I have the Creators truth perspective understanding, definition of: how to, when to, where to, what it feels like to, that is safe and possible to:  see, hear, speak, and know the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


These things will be placed in the Grid for all to receive; whoever is open has the awareness of this can receive. All you have to do is “choose”, and “ask for it”.






Portals Opened and Activated -Acceptance, Honor, Truth, Compassion

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11/09/2012 Portals Opened and Activated.

Portal of Acceptance:

I am, Acceptance of all God’s Creations and Gaia

I am, Acceptance of Self Love and Unconditional Self Love.

I am, Acceptance of Unconditional Love and acceptance of others, all God’s Creations and Gaia


Portal of Honor:

 I am, Honor of all of God’s Creations and Gaia.

 I am, Honor of Self Love and Unconditional Self Love.

 I am, Honor of Unconditional Love and acceptance of others, all God’s Creations and Gaia.


Portal of Truth:

I am, Truth of all of God’s Creations and Gaia.

I am, Truth of Self Love and Unconditional Self Love.

I am, Truth of Unconditional Love and acceptance of others, all God’s Creations and Gaia.


Portal of Compassion:

I am, Compassion of all of God’s Creations and Gaia.

I am, Compassion of Self Love and Unconditional Self Love.

I am, Compassion of Unconditional Love and acceptance of others, all God’s Creations and Gaia.





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