Jennifer Hoffman

Archangel Uriel via Jennifer Hoffman: Asking Questions, Seeking Answers

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By: Jennifer Hoffman, 02/16/2014


This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for February 17, 2014

In your lifetimes you follow the path of the seeker, asking questions whose answers you hope will give you the peace, comfort and solace of what you remember from your spiritual home. But your life can feel like an endless quest as you ask questions that are not answered because you have to learn that you already have the answer to any question you  may ask. The answer is already there, waiting for you to ask the question. This represents  your search for empowerment and enlightenment. When you ask a question because you want to know that you will be answered, you are in fear and seeking connection and acknowledgement. The answer to every question is within you and can be answered, depending on why you are asking the question. All of your answers are within you, no matter what question you ask.

Archangel Uriel: The Universe Works With You. Channelled through Jennifer Hoffman – October 23, 2013.

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Thanks to Wes Annac and Golden Age of Gaia.

This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for October 23, 2013


Do you know that the Universe works with you and not for you? It is not possible for the Universe to give you something that you do not want or to create situations that you have not already energized in some part of your reality.


The Universal energy does not create something out of nothing. It only creates that which you have already established energetic space for through your conscious or unconscious intention. As soon as you have defined the intention, you set up the vibrations that create the reality.


Understanding this is the key to manifesting everything in life because it is how everything is manifested. And whether the intention is conscious or unconscious is not important; it is all the same to the Universe, which sees you as infinitely powerful, wise and always acting within your highest good.

Jennifer Hoffman - Keep Moving, Change Lanes Later

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Enlightening Life By Jennifer on July 8, 2013

GFP: Commentary doing what makes us feel good raises our vibrations

The title of this article is from a sign I saw as I was driving down the highway while on my road trip. I would have taken a photo but it was in a construction zone and  there was nowhere to stop. The sign was there to prevent cars from entering a fairly confusing and busy interchange and then immediately trying to change lanes. Instead, they could enter the highway in their own lane, pick up speed and change lanes once they were moving with the faster traffic, without slowing down the oncoming traffic or getting in its way. Hmmm, there was definitely a message I could relate to there.

Jennifer Hoffman -Finding the Light May be Faster and Easier Than You Think

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Enlightening Life by Jennifer June 9, 2013

The light bulb in my dryer burned out months ago. Since I have never seen where the light bulb is located and never had to change the light bulb in a dryer before, I expected that changing it would be difficult and complicated. So I put the task of changing the dryer light bulb on my list of “difficult things to do that will take a lot of time that I will take care of when I have time to do them.” Every time I opened the dryer and thought about changing the light bulb my heart would sink. I had visions of having to remove the drum, and perhaps even taking the dryer apart to get this done.

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