VIDEO: You Want To Manifest Something – Love It – 19 January 2014

Silver's picture

By: morningmayan

Love is the big secret to manifesting – you have to love it to bring it in and keep it – whatever it is you desire the answer is love.
Check out my book on manifesting with frequency and the universal science of freqeuncy  Ultimate Power – on Amazon
Ten Minutes To Greatness – in production

From the heart speaking stay in bliss dear friends

ZaFira's picture

with my eyes closed seeking for inner guidance

in our timeline golden age of gaia enters our whole mind shreding old layers

adjusting our chakras thru my spine high above my crown this isnt a lie

imagination takes us higher opens mind layer manifest you desire

it will take you much higher above the ground walkning up to mount zion

Love to create spiritual contex entering new energy vortex

core is open love comes in and out in vast space

from core of my heart writing out my feelings to the crowd

shout out loud be in inner peace satisfied in deep bliss

i hope u dont miss this/ ZaFira Delacostra


my first blog ever:)



LightWorkers GO Beyond....

Sacredfemale30's picture

~~~~Hands for the Light-

Remove the Darkness

Find Peace within so much LOVE

That is from Self DeEPly Embedded…

Never forget the skies from which you came

Always remember Galactic/Angelic/ other Beings

 of Light are Always with you…..

Gifting us all with Unlimited POTENTIAL…

With Unlimited Consciousness… 

 with the ways to become even greater,  

to become One with All of LIFE—to see the Truth,

to Know our Animal, Plant, Tree,                                                                         

Human, Galactic Friends,…on Every Level….

That even those who say it is Impossible

to Co Exist on Gaia without Harming any Being

Can/is Becoming POSSIBLE….


That those who say that we cannot have a Golden Age-      


 A world of Peace for All Beings everywhere…..

We say we CAN! 

 We lightworkers KNOW….

We see beyond their Illusions, beyond what they see

We see the Abnormality of their Normal ways….

We see the COLORs/LIGHTs/ENERGIES that they cannot quite Comprehend….yet…..

We see the Love coming from the Beings of LIGHT

The Angels, Fairies, Power Animals, Spirit Guides

We see and Know their Presence are Real indeed

WE know that Something BIG is COMING in our Sphere! 


We have to Prepare all who we KNOW...NOW!

Please Spread the LOVE and LIGHT..................




2014 ~ The Year of GROUNDING UNITY - The New Earth Frequency Update

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Planetary ~ As Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing within the threshold of 2014.  The year of 2013 represented great changes within each of us and on the planet in various ways.  We experienced high activations through each of the cycles through the months and now we have stepped into a new doorway to Unite our True Self’s with our Physical Reality.  It was the year of “Synchronization”.  Now we take that synchronization and blend into our present experience as we walk as renewed Beings of Light.

With the oncoming energies of 2014, the theme of this New Year represents Walking into Grounding Unity.  This is bringing in the energies of the Oneness Consciousness that we all have been accessing in our thought forms, down into our physical energies, and grounding them into GAIA which is important in the structure of this year in 2014.

It is important to take time to reflect on our recent past experiences to truly measure the power of walking into a new year at any given time.  This year of 2014 there is an alignment occurring for more individuals to understand themselves in a completely and different manner.

The number “14” represents our karmic rebirth.  This is the year in which we are “righting” all our past deeds and in doing so, we are receiving the Divine Dispensation from our Higher Essence to be manifested within our world.  The keywords for this year represent, “harmony, balance, temperance, and prudence”.  It is a year in which elements will come into alignment to allow for the true manifestation of our heart’s desire from our highest consciousness into a physical reality.

Dear Little Soul, Kirsty

kirstyg's picture

As you go through this life you will face many challenges. Some of them will be big, some of them will be not-so-big. The one thing to remember is they are simply there to strengthen your resolve and make you embrace your magnificence.

You, dear child, have so much love to give.

You were born of love, and your heart beats strongly with the energy of love.

Your heart is HUGE and open and it has immense power. Because of that, sometimes you may be afraid of it.

Thank you star family

seraphin's picture

It's a time of celebration! Of high flying into ourselves. Gosh I'm a happy girl. I celebrate my birthday today and I celebrate along with many others around the world anything, everything and all there is. Let me tell you a story. I love to talk to myself. Especially when I'm in the car alone. I host my own show, out loud. I talk to my star family and tell them about my day, I'm so sure I am not the only one doing this. I thank them for all they have done for us. I tell them I can feel them  through my tears of joy and I get my signals from this. I am very close to them and we share everything. Even now, writing these words the tears are welling. I dream about them sometimes and I understand what it is I must do. Hold onto them, love them and all beings that come my way. We cannot begin to comprehend what they are doing for us. We undertsand they cannot interfere with us, we can do this by ourselves, our higher selves. When we place ourselves here to regain our heritage, we slowly learn from them as they show up in the skies and dreams and bit by bit wait patiently for the planet to wake up. I adore talking to them, rather like giving a star date into the captains log. Dreamers are everywhere. As a child I remember having what I called a nightmare for months that had me tearing through the house to my parents bed to sleep. I remember the confusion...being in a white room, hearing a voice over a loud speaker, another language, strange yet familiar, and very loud. Then lying on a table waiting for something.  The door opening and a being coming in and I wake up. Then after many months, it ceased. I remember being obsessed with the skies, the stars and everything that moved "up there". I marched to a different drummer. Look back on your lives and see how they have unfolded. What it means to you. It is for you. I understand myself, as daily it changes. I don't see a bad dream long ago. I see a piece of some puzzle and for us all.

let go

godislove's picture

As humans we tend to want control. Or that is what we think we want. What we really want is love, love is not control it is allowing. It favors those with a loveing intent those that do not it flows past/over like water. So i encourage you to LET love into your life do not try to make it come. You are love so do not put on anouther mask, take the one you have off. Masks are used to hide the parts of us not considered socialy acceptable but if we took off our masks all their would be is love. Words are so inadaquate for what i am tring to convey but hopefuly you get my point.
Your loveing brother
Word of this message ALLOW
Srry for all gramer errors


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