May 20 2012

Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ You Are The Light ~ May 20, 2012

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Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:


Hello, dear ones. Today is an auspicious day, for many reasons. Not only is it a day for cosmic alignment, but also for reflection and illumination of your Soul’s purpose. For in commitment of your desire to change and lift up the World, you also are anchoring your Mission to a greater degree. And this isn’t just for today, and doesn’t end with today, as you know. You are building a momentum, a precedent for all the days to come.


All around your World, Lighworkers are preparing and gathering and offering their energies and intentions to align with all cosmic and soul energies for the greater good of all. This is one of the moments for which you have been preparing, for eons. And there will be many more such moments.


We wish to speak to you about intention. This is a word used quite often and it encompasses many things. We of the Company of Heaven are one with our intentions for the highest good of all. You, our beloved Lightworkers, are learning to do the same. Many times you achieve this and thus become more integrated with your Higher Selves in doing so.


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