Message from the Earth Allies

~ Pre~ First Contact Information~ You are The StarShip~

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~Everyone on this Planet was Chosen, Hand Picked, out of the GODZILLIONS of Beings in Existence, to Be Here for this Experience. All of Humanity were the Ones, Specifically Chosen for this Experience of Awakening from out of the dream of illusion.~


~Love Is Everything, although it is nothing material, all material stuff was created in the  illusionary dream, for the sole purpose to make Humanity slaves, so they could pay the controllers, work hard and then die. As Humanity awakens they will drop all of these things, As Love, Joy, and Living~Experiencing the Truth will Be all that Matters ~


More: ~ Pre~ First Contact Information~ You are The StarShip~


~ Pre-First Contact Information ~ Part One of the WHAMMY!

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Pre~First Contact Information~ WHAMMY~ and Your Out of TIME!!! Brilliant INFO

“The Whammy”, nothing can stop us now. Darkness, exits stage left...
and all impostors and pretenders, who attempted to deter the Light, will be dealt with accordingly.


Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, from Galactic Central. WE are Your Family of Light, Family from the Stars, The Elohim, The Celestial, who have been watching over you for a very long time, and have incarnated here to Planet Earth, to be of Assistance. WE are the Ground Crew for First Contact. Your Medical Team, well Trained in Human Consciousness and Development. You have called US Here to Assist you in your Upliftment out of Duality and into Your Real Home within the Light, and Truth of Who You Really Are. Also Present in The Physical Manifest With You, is Us, Mother and Father God, Your Real Parents Of Creation and Beyond [We are older than Eternal], to Bring Our Children Home.


Pre ~ First Contact Information: Reconnection To Your Soul

Rain's picture

~ Pre~ First Contact Information~
The True Soul Experience~ The Lost Sense

White Eagle - FatherGod -

Pre-First Contact Update of the Highest Truths, The Truth and Love only Your Soul can Hear and Understand. This is a Very High Vibrational Message, Open Up and Feel This in Your Soul, if you Do, you will have a Light on Experience, Similar to How a Christmas Tree Lights Up.

“Special Note about this Message, Notice Your Feelings and Your Body Sensations as You Read this Message, Allow your Inner Soul to Feel the Truth in Every Word. If you can Feel the Love and Truth, this is an Indicator that you have Reconnected to Your Soul, if you are not connected into your Soul, you will not have the Light On, Light Up Experience. This is your Indicator of Being Awake or asleep.”
“What Happens when you Find Love? You Stop Looking for it”

“The Soul Experience, The Reconnection to Love=Source”


~A Different Perspective On First Contact~

Rain's picture


Written By Earth Ally Will Harader


 Cloaked Ships Hanging out Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader


I'd like to dispel any preconceptions about what First Contact looks like. Humanity has dreams of enormous Starships flying through the atmosphere, and forever changing the Earth's relationship to the Universe at large. I'm not saying this isn't what it's going to look like, but that's only one aspect. For many people, First Contact has already happened. In fact, for a tiny portion of the population, Contact has been happening for thousands of years.


You Are Your Final Test

Rain's picture


~ A Message from The Earth Allies~
SURPRISE ~All Of Humanity are Royal Angels!



~Each Of You Remembering You Are, In Truth Royal Angels, and The Children of Father and Mother God. We Have Come To Planet Earth, to Give You Your Diplomas, as Fully Conscious Beings of Light=God=Love. Your Graduation [which is a Party of 7.0 Billion Plus], IS JUST BEGINNING~ Are You Ready? It's Now!~

You are In Truth Royal Angels. You Were Created From Father God and I, and You are our Children, this makes You God Equally So. Some of you have some very big issues with this Truth, and the Issues do not come from the Core of Your Being, Your Souls, because Your Souls Know and Understand this Truth exactly. It comes from the conditioning and lies you were led to believe while here on the Earth Plane, which in turn caused unworthiness and war.

Pre ~ First Contact Information: EGOS

Rain's picture


~ A Message from the Earth Allies~
The New Story is Unfolding



ALL the Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart To watch Creation Occur, in a way that has never occurred before. A Love Story, Where Everyone Awakens as ONE, where The Circuit has Been Completed, and an Even Grander Creation begins. This requires the Whole Planet's Participation, and is why Everyone must Awaken!


Truth, Love and Creation are just like a Symphony and this Unfoldment on Planet Earth is So Unique and is The Grandest Event that that has occurred in all of Creation. The Event of a Humanity of GOD, that traveled to the depths of illusion and then to rise up, to Play their Part, within the Symphony of Creation. Each Atom carries a Note and each Instrument must Play. Each of Humanity as a Unique God Spark, have a Note within Creation to Play, just as each Atom that makes everything up. ALL parts Make the Whole, and Complete the Circuit. This Moment has arrived~


Announcements ~ Part Two ~ A New Story in Creation Has Begun

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~ A Message from the Earth Allies~



ALL the Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart To watch Creation Occur, in a way that has never occurred before. A Love Story, Where Everyone Awakens as ONE, where The Circuit has Been Completed, and an Even Grander Creation begins. This requires the Whole Planet's Participation, and is why Everyone must Awaken!


Truth, Love and Creation are just like a Symphony and this Unfoldment on Planet Earth is So Unique and is The Grandest Event that that has occurred in all of Creation. The Event of a Humanity of GOD, that traveled to the depths of illusion and then to rise up, to Play their Part, within the Symphony of Creation. Each Atom carries a Note and each Instrument must Play. Each of Humanity as a Unique God Spark, have a Note within Creation to Play, just as each Atom that makes everything up. ALL parts Make the Whole, and Complete the Circuit. This Moment has arrived~


More: ~ A Message from the Earth Allies~
The New Story is Unfolding

Pre~ First Contact Information

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Pre~ First Contact Information ~
The Original Light, and The First Thought is Love


Pre-First Contact Update of the Highest Truths= High Velocity Light. Truth is Love in its Highest Form. Through Truth, Honest Information, Healing can Be Accomplished. This is Our Service To ALL of YOU. They Have called Us Many names, one being The Bringers of The Light, Meaning Bringers of the Truth. Light is The same as Truth.


WE Provide You the Whole Truth, not bits and pieces, or parts, which is still separation and the old paradigm. The New Paradigm is Wholeness, Healing, Unconditional Love, Oneness with Everything, Completeness, Peace, Happiness, Joy, This IS What WE Represent and are Bringing in for Planet Earth=Heart. The True Whole Information in its Entirety. For Through this Healing Occurs indefinitely. Love and Truth Heal!!!


More: Pre~ First Contact Information



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