natural remedies

Colloidal Gold: Discover the Benefits and Wonders

Silver's picture, By: Paul Fassa, 08/06/2013

colloidal golds 263x174 Colloidal Gold: Discover the Benefits and Wonders

Much has been written or said about colloidal silver’s powerful antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. But do you know about colloidal gold? It is produced the same way as colloidal silver to create nano-particles of gold that are assimilated into a body’s cells. But for what purpose? Keep reading to discover which health benefits colloidal gold can provide for you.


Unlike colloidal silver, colloidal gold is not considered an antiseptic. Instead, nano-particles of gold offer protection against auto-immune disease and cancer rather than infectious disease. Despite the CDC publicly announcing flu scare tactics to encourage vaccinations every fall and winter, and despite the propaganda intended to force more childhood vaccinations that are more life threatening than the diseases they “protect against”, most infectious diseases have been declining throughout the industrial world.


Natural superfoods fight prostate cancer

Silver's picture, By: Sandeep Godiyal, 08/07/2013

(NaturalNews) Three independent researches conducted between 2004 and 2009 identified green tea, turmeric, and tomato and broccoli combined as the top "superfoods" against prostate cancer. Wisconsin researchers, headed by Vagar Mustafa Adhami, offered substantial evidence that polyphenols from green tea are effective in the prevention and treatment of cancer of the prostate. Meanwhile, researchers from Kentucky, led by Damodaran Chendil, disclosed the efficacy of curcumin, the main component of turmeric, as a radiosensitizer.


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6 Easy Herbal Remedies For the Summer

Silver's picture, By: Justin Gardener, 08/06/2013


Summer is in full swing in the northern hemisphere. Nature abounds with plant and animal life. This is great for us outdoorsy folk but there is also the problem of heat, insects, sunburn, and poison ivy. Here are six herbal remedies that can be made with common plants and household items.  Just make sure that you make an absolute positive identification on plants collected for use.


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Easily Make Your Own Herbal Tinctures and Save Money

Silver's picture

GFP Commentary: We recommend organic alcohol in the making of herbal tinctures.


Naturalsociety, By: Paul Fassa, 07/15/2013

herbal tincture 263x164 Easily Make Your Own Herbal Tinctures and Save Money

Herbs can be used as preventative tonics or healing medicinal remedies. Traditional healing disciplines used herbs exclusively, now western alternative medicine is undergoing a renascence with traditional herbalism. So it’s a good idea to learn not only about the herbs themselves, but also how to use them in various healing methods – such as herbal tinctures.


Some consider the bio-availability of herbs extracted in tinctures superior to teas and decoctions. Maybe so, maybe not. But one thing’s for sure, store bought tinctures are pricey. Even one ounce bottles go from ten to twenty U.S. dollars, depending on the herb type and quality.


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Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts

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By: Realfarmacy, 07/03/2013

Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which has over 100 types. Different types affect people in different ways, usually depending on the strength of their immune system. Some strains (like the one that causes common warts) are relatively harmless, while others can pose much more serious problems. Because warts are caused by a virus, they can be spread to other parts of your body and to other people as well. If mainstream methods have not worked for you (or you’d rather avoid treatments involving strange chemicals) try some of these straightforward home remedies for warts instead.


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Detox Guide: How to Tell if Your Body Needs a Natural Detox

Silver's picture

By:, 07/04/2013


Your body is naturally equipped with a self-cleaning process. But too much sugar, caffeine, processed foods, stress, and too little exercise can slow the body’s natural detox function to a slow pace. And then your body can’t clean itself when it is put up against the increasing number of harmful and toxic substances in the environment. Toxins come in many forms: pesticides in produce, formaldehyde in carpets and cosmetics, PCBs from plastic containers, dioxins from bleached paper products, and more.


Your body will process and eliminate some of the hordes of chemicals that enter, but overflow gets stored in the liver, lungs, kidneys, fat cells, intestines, blood stream, and skin—which can result in chronic illnesses down the road. When you undergo a detox, you get these toxins out of your system.


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The Top 10 Healthiest Seeds on Earth

Silver's picture, By: John Summerly, 02/19/2013

They come in all different sizes, shapes and colours. The seed is an embryonic plant itself and the origin of nutrition. A plant goes to great lengths to produce each seed and fill it with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential oils and dormant enzymes. If you're looking for a high quality, nutritious and filling snack, seeds are tough to beat. Let's look at the ten healthiest seeds on Earth and how to consume them.


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5 of the Best Exotic Tropical Fruits on the Planet

Silver's picture, By: Christina Sarish, 07/03/2013

star fruit1 5 of the Best Exotic Tropical Fruits on the Planet (Photos)

If you want to obtain your vitamin C and other important flavanoids, antioxidants, and phytonutrients from something besides the tried and true fruits like apples and oranges, there are 5 tropical fruits that will enliven your taste buds while boosting your immunity and keeping you healthy. Put some zing in your fruit choices with these exotic tropicals that defiantly qualify as super foods with their strange shapes, odd flesh, and powerful health-boosting properties.


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Eight Foods That Help Fight Allergies

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Naturalnews, By: Sandeep Godiyal, 07/01/2013

Allergies are indeed bothersome. But instead of reaching out to the usual medications, individuals can now seek relief from various foods. Among the known foods that help fight off spring allergies are citrus fruits, red grapes, broccoli, collard greens, nuts, apples, fish, onions and garlic.


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Liver Cleanse Diet: 11 Ways to Support the Body’s Fat and Toxin Processing Wonder

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Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 07/01/2013

grapefruit and lemons 263x164 Liver Cleanse Diet: 11 Ways to Support the Body’s Fat and Toxin Processing Wonder

The liver is essential for so many things, but most importantly, it is one of the most vital internal organ to support weight loss and help us to detox from the millions of poisons in our air, water, and soil. Without the liver, and bile produced by the organ, we simply couldn’t lose weight, no matter how much we exercised or ate sensibly. This is because the liver helps to create and process special enzymes called lipase that digest fats – and guess where most of the toxins in our bodies are stored when they aren’t running through our bloodstream – you guessed it – in our fat! It is essential to include  detoxifying foods every single day to naturally have a liver cleanse diet.


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