natural remedies

4 Reasons to Start Adding Cucumbers to Your Juices and Smoothies

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/31/2013

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Whether you are a juicer, a smoothie blender, or simply a fan of raw vegetables, cucumbers should be a staple in your kitchen. These vegetables are often overlooked as a health food but are packed with potential benefits. The best cucumbers of all are those you grow yourself, but a close second are those grown locally and organically. Here are just a few reasons you’ll want to make sure you have a good source of cucumbers all the time.


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Could Marijuana Hold the Key to Treating Brain Damage from Alcoholism?

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/29/2013

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Excessive alcohol consumption takes a toll on your health in various ways. It’s linked to a variety of health ailments including liver disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and even brain damage. But a recent study from the Universities of Maryland and Kentucky indicates a special potential treatment for warding off and even reversing such brain damage caused by alcohol—cannabidiol (cannabis). Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in marijuana. It doesn’t contain any psychoactive constituents, which means it doesn’t get you high. But it is linked to numerous health benefits.


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5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your ‘Good’ Cholesterol Levels (HDL) Naturally

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/30/2013

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Determining ways to reduce your LDL and increase your HDL could be important to the longevity of your cardiovascular system. LDL cholesterol is the type that collects in the arteries and causes them to become clogged, causing heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. This thick sludge-like substance makes the blood thick too, making it more difficult for it to pass through the arteries to be recycled and reoxygenated through the heart. Cholesterol isn’t all bad though. It is a necessary, vital fat which our body utilizes for numerous functions. Some comes from what we eat and some is made by our own body via the liver. High HDL levels actually protect your heart against disease.


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7 Ways to Help Menopause Symptoms Naturally

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/29/2013

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When a woman reaches her prime years, she may start to experience the symptoms that accompany great changes in her hormonal activity. During both perimenopause and menopause, a woman can undergo the decline of estrogen, as well as changes in progesterone and testosterone levels. This can lead to moodiness, cramping, a dampened libido, hot flashes, weight gain, and bloating, as well as copious other symptoms. Fortunately, women don’t need to rely on pharmaceutical drugs to help mitigate these significant changes in her hormones. Here are 7 great natural ways to help get through menopause with ease.


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5 Hot Benefits of Hot Peppers and Capsaicin

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/21/2013

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Containing a compound known as capsaicin, cayenne peppers have been found to aid in weight loss, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation, all while giving your food a spicy kick. So, what’s the evidence of cayenne pepper benefits? Read on.


As mentioned, the compound credited with the health benefits of cayenne peppers is known as capsaicin. It’s also the compound that makes the peppers so spicy. Capsaicin has been found to reduce inflammation, which can aid in the treatment of arthritis and even the prevention of serious conditions like heart disease and cancer. But the capsaicin benefits don’t stop there.


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100′s of Studies Prove this One Plant Compound Kills Cancer, Protects Against Radiation

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/18/2013

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For years scientists couldn’t really figure out why people on a small island off of Japan hardly ever suffered from cancer – until they stumbled onto a curious fetish the Okinawans had for a seaweed delicacy called Kombu. (Okinawans use various longevity secrets to live to be 100 and older). Although it would be difficult to find Kombu now that isn’t tainted with Fukushima radiation, at least in or near Japan, there is a long chain carbohydrate in the seaweed called Fucoidan that has proven to fight cancer again and again.


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4 Natural Solutions for Anxiety Relief

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/18/2013

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Given this fast-paced, stressful world, it seems that the anxiety epidemic grows larger everyday. It’s the on-edge, queasy feeling that makes your heart race and your palms sweat. And for many people, anxiety is a daily struggle, negatively impacting quality of life and relationships. Many people turn to prescription drugs to manage their anxiety, but that simply isn’t necessary – there are many natural solutions for anxiety anyone can easily utilize.


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5 Tips for Naturally Staying Well and Flu-Free this Winter

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/16/2013

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In addition to producing no vitamin D since the cold season keep us indoors, we are more likely to spread germs among one another. It’s in these winter months—when we also seek comfort in carb-heavy foods– that a cold or the flu can easily take hold and make your daily existing very unpleasant. While there is something to be said for treating the symptoms of such illness with natural remedies, the best way to fight a cold or the flu is to prevent it from ever happening.


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10 Health Benefits of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) – Part 1

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/10/2013

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You may or may not have heard of Black seed (nigella sativa) before. It goes by many names, including black caraway, Roman coriander, and black cumin, to name a few. But no matter what you call it, these seeds are loaded with health benefits that we are only beginning to understand. From eliminating harmful bacteria to regenerating the body’s cells and tissues, here are 10 awesome research-backed health benefits of black cumin.


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Top 4 Health Benefits of Pomegranates

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 12/11/2013

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They are definitely delicious, but for many people, the taste alone isn’t justification for all the work that goes into selecting, peeling, and eating pomegranates. If the taste doesn’t draw you in, however, there are numerous health benefits that should. Good things are worth working for and the pomegranate is one example of this.


Pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants known as polyphenols and, in my opinion, have certainly earned the label “superfood”. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin K, and potassium. But of course it doesn’t end there.


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