Oracle Report

The Oracle Report for Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/08/2013

Crescent Moon Phase: growth, struggle, challenge, expansion


Moon: Sagittarius


Time stops in many regards today.  As it does, it enables us to catch our breath and recollect (or regroup as the case may be).


Each day carries its own unique energetic signature based on the combination of astrological energies.  We contribute to the energetic imprint every day.  When these signatures "return," they have their core themes along with whatever mental, emotional, or physical state we have projected into it in the past.


The Oracle Report for Monday, October 7, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/07/2013

New Moon Phase: beginning, initiation, seeding, make a wish or set an intention


Moon: Scorpio


Today's energy focuses on what is real, true, and solid.  Because we are under astrological influences that bring dramatic changes this month, the tendency at times is to feel powerless over whatever is happening in your world or the world at large.  This tendency exists today.  But remember the Sabian symbol for the lunar month is "miners emerging from a deep coal mine" - the keyword being "emerging" and emergence is far from powerless.  The cosmic power of life prompts emergence.


The Oracle Report for Saturday, October 5 - Sunday, October 6, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/05/2013

New Moon Phase: beginning, initiation, seeding, make a wish or set an intention


Moon: Libra


We continue under the supermassive intensity of the Libra New Moon this weekend.  The Sabian symbol for the Libra New Moon is "miners emerging from a deep coal mine," which speaks to coming out of a prolonged period of darkness.  The coal mine is described as "deep" so the deeper one is, the longer it takes to come out.


Consider how it must feel for coalminers to emerge from the mine.  The blinding light would hurt your eyes until they adjusted.  Your body would tingle with the warmth that was spreading over it.  You would be responsive.  You would come alive.


The Oracle Report for Friday, October 4, 2012

Silver's picture

By:, 10/804/2013

New Moon Phase: beginning, initiation, seeding, make a wish or set an intention


Moon: Libra


Today's New Moon signals the beginning of what I've been calling the second renaissance.


The New Moon in Libra enters at 8:34 pm EDT / 00:34 am UTC at the degree known as "miners emerging from a deep coal mine."  The New Moon forms a Grand Cross (also called a Grand Square) with the Black Moon, Uranus, and Pluto.  This indicates that the month will bring drastic evolutionary change.  Let's look at how each of these planets infuse this New Moon energy that will unfold:


The Oracle Report for Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/02/2013

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, heal, prepare, transform


Moon: Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)




Ancient societies that lived in harmony with nature lived life according to the cycles of the Moon.  They understood when it was natural to act and when it was natural to not act.  Structured this way, Balsamic Moon phase would be a time when everyone would "power down" to a certain degree and spend more time resting, meditating, and pursuing solitary interests.  It would be a time for personal, direct communication with Spirit.  It would be a time when the landscape of your mind would be refreshed in preparation for the new energy signature of the upcoming New Moon.


The Oracle Report for Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 10/01/2013

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, heal, prepare, transform


Moon: Leo/Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)




Today's photograph is of a river rushing over rocks because the energy is like the rapids of a rushing river.  Our goal today is to paddle around the rapids.  We will go another way where the river is smoother.  This means we will need to maintain a strong, steady course and not be diverted into the chaos.  We are watching chaos trying to be pushed into the collective mindscape, but today we are changing this rushing river into a calm course.  We do this because we follow the line of truth that honors creation, loves life, and upholds the principles of freedom - most importantly freedom of consciousness. 


The Oracle Report for Monday, September 30, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/30/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realignment, revision, responsibility


Moon: Leo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)




We get "wise" to something today.  The energy has the tendency to show us what's been right in front of our faces but hard to see.  We have to look dead center to recognize it.


Don't misunderstand elements of today's energy that make things seem broken, powerless, or impotent.  These things are undergoing transformation.


The Oracle Report for Saturday, September 28 - Sunday, September 29, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/28/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realignment, revision, responsibility


Moon: Saturday - Cancer; Sunday - Leo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)


Say hello to Cassie, wise owl and long-time Oracle Report reader Jeanne's beautiful dog.  Cassie makes her debut this weekend because Saturday's energy carries qualities that are very much like dog energy (also called "medicine," "teaching," or "instruction").  Loyalty, companionship, nurturance, guidance, forgiveness, and play are in order Saturday. 


The Oracle Report for Friday, September 27, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/27/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realignment, revision, responsibility


Moon: Cancer


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)


There are several things happening today:


    Venus finally makes the exact square with Mars.  This energy has been building for over a week and brings turns, changes, and shifts in relationships.  It's Scorpio-Leo energy, which is intense, fiery, assertive, often deep and dark, but ultimately shines light.  Events, situations, and circumstances in relationships that have transpired since last Friday (9/20/13) are pivotal and anything dramatic (Leo) should be scrutinized (Scorpio).

The Oracle Report for Thursday, September 26, 2013

Silver's picture

By:, 09/26/2013

Third Quarter Moon Phase: realignment, revision, responsibility


Moon: Gemini/Cancer


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi (with Matangi)


The beautiful creature in today's photograph is a kestrel, a member of the falcon family, and second only to the great horned owl in its numbers and range of habitat.  According to Animal Speak by Ted Andrews (that my friend has termed the "Big Book"), kestrel teaches "how to use your mental faculties more patiently and more effectively to capture what you most need and desire (emphasis added)."


It is appropriate that kestrel shows up right after Shodashi, the Wisdom Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest Desires, sends a wave to shatter the nature of power and control systems.



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