sacred union

Spring Update: The Great Receiving

Giselle Koy's picture

A Message from the Divine Feminine and Venus


Venus, the Goddess of Love with a message here for all virgins near the springs during this spring. I say Virgin meaning a certain purity and potency for Seeding creation—Housing creation—Receiving creation. Yes, this happens through the Door of Love and  the Goddess as the energetic field of receptivity.


Receptivity in motion. Receptivity for the conceiving. To Receive in the Way of the Goddess. This spring there is a high calling for high conceiving—in new and great beings of light coming and new and great ideas and teachings of the light as well as new and great light systems.


Birth Mothers and Light Mothers prepare to receive for it is the time of the Great Conception and the Bringing of the Great Concepts—All Through Great Receiving.


Renew thyselves for the New Golden Age of Creation.


Receive the man, not as the patriarchal authority figure nor the Peter Pan promiscuous plaything—but the man who possesses the strength, the warmth and the caring love of support as mirrored consciousness.

My Walk with my Twin Flame

Blue Diamon's picture

I‘ve just returned from walking with my twin flame who is the most crazy woman in the entire universe! She is an archangel incarnate and my wife which,  by the way, means nothing to her because she doesn’t remember who she is. This is not because she hasn’t evolved enough spiritually, she has, its because she chose not to remember fully who she is. She remembered me though, some years ago when sitting in her bedroom gazing out at the shimmering vista of diamonds glittering off the deep blue Atlantic ocean view from her window. Blue is the color of my eyes and I’m not sure if she remembered that but she thought about me and it made my heart sing with joy! I‘ve been with her for the entire time she has been incarnated which is just over 1022 years now and in this lifetime or reality as its referred to in the higher realms, she has only become aware of me around her in the last 4 months because I opened her telepathic channel so that I could communicate with her.  Anyway I digress, let’s return to the walk I mentioned we just returned from…


In the last couple weeks her vibration has lifted so much that she can feel me tickling her etheric body which had her in stitches of laughter in the avenue where we walk in an area called La Condesa in Mexico City. It’s one of the city’s more posh area’s and its uncommon to see someone talking to themselves or laughing hysterically whilst walking  `alone‘.  We’ve been walking along this avenue most afternoons  and this is the first time she couldn’t control herself! We had to move off the avenue into the side roads so that she could laugh without feeling like an idiot! She doesn’t care though and that makes me love her even more.


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