sound healing DNA vibratory healing

Sounds Within's picture


                                 Sounds Within

We have the greatest stream of information – reflecting our subconscious mind - surrounding us.  Our truth is hiding from us – in plain sight! 

A crystal breaks out light into component pitches (wavelengths)… and software breaks out your voice into component pitches.  We see our emotions, thoughts and health reflected in the sounds of our voice – because each of those components is has a unique vibration.  Our voice is our vibrational fingerprint.


By reversing our voice at certain speeds, David Oakes has shown that our voice contains hidden words.  This is replicable and everyone’s voice contains words when reversed.  Our subconscious, perhaps a mirror person hidden inside of ourselves, speaks out.  When we lie, it speaks truth. Perhaps that is why our intuition prickles when someone misleads us… our subconscious hears the hidden message.  Somewhere in our being we hear the two messages –forward and reverse.  When Jesus refers to liars as having a forked tongue, perhaps it reflects to the two voices of information contained in a voice?


The real intrigue comes in when you consider how much information you hide from yourself.  How many times you believe you are telling the truth, but your subconscious mind tells a different story.  Many great people point out how difficult it is to know yourself, because you don’t know what is hidden.


Prenatal Babies, Infants and Music's picture

Prenatal Babies, Infants and Music


“What is the human body, but a constellation of the same powers that formed the stars in the sky.” Paracelsus – ancient Greek philosopher

Ancient and modern wisdom suggests that music listened to by a prenatal baby is influential in the positive development of the child. 

A little smattering of research on the impact of music on babies is listed below:

  • "Mozart and Vivaldi cause fetus' heart rates to stabilize, whereas rock music drove fetuses to distraction and they kicked violently."  Thomas Verny
  • Music learning begins in utero. Peter Hepper of Queens University in Belfast found that 2 weeks before birth fetuses recognize differences in songs/sounds.
  • Dr. Tomatis from France used the sound of the mother's voice that a person heard in utero to reprogram, ground and comfort people.
  • Mothers sing better when their infant is present - 1999 study by Laura Lee and William Thompson, York University at Toronto.
  • Sandra Trehub of University of Toronto found that babies as young as 6 months prefer consonance to dissonance.
  • Various experiments have shown that plants exposed to classical music all day, thrive and grow well. On the other hand, plants exposed to heavy metal music all day shriveled up. Heavy metal music had a very definite negative impact on plants. Although this doesn't mean that it will have the same negative effect on your baby, heavy metal music is not soothing, either for the mother or for the baby, and as such, it will certainly have no positive impact on your child. 

Sounds interact with us on all levels. Of course they interact with a growing baby, within the mother's womb. What the mother listens to makes a difference!

Total Wellness through Sound - Complementary Sound Healing MP3s's picture

Discover a Multitude of Ancient & Modern Techniques using Sound Energy & Special Healing Frequencies to achieve Profound Benefits

    First Free Mp3 - Paint your Soul CD  Songs from the Paint Your Soul CD contain the Fibonacci tones – created by a mathematical pattern found in the stars, your body, flowers, beehives and more. Tune to this sacred geometry (transposed into music) that God used in creating our world.

Ancient people listened to the Solfeggio tones (in this track), to enhance spiritual enlightenment and uplift their souls. For example, the fifth tone is the tone of DNA.

   Second Free Mp3 Star Dust CD – This selection from the Star Dust CD contains heavenly music with the sounds of the planets and trace elements of stars - converted into twinkling tones! Harmonize with the heavens and balance astrological energy.

   Third Free Mp3 Healing Flower Symphonies Vol. I and Vol. II – Listen to the literal sounds of flower energy, embedded in this delightful music! Clear negative emotional energy and build positive feelings! You can experience catharsis as you eliminate negative energy!

Receive these free Sound Healing mp3s and information at bottom of home page at and at See 


DNA - Our Antennae to other Dimensions?'s picture


Frequencies of DNA and Different Dimensions


Only ten percent of the human DNA is used for coding and reproduction of proteins, leaving a mystery of what the other ninety percent is used for. Russian scientists affirmed that sound can project patterns on the remaining 90 percent of DNA. By putting frequencies and sound patterns on a laser ray, the Russians influenced DNA frequencies and genetic information.


The Russians asserted that genetic code follows the same rules found in human languages. Simple words and phrases may work just as well as the laser beams that they used. Can man literally reprogram his genetic blueprint through words? This would explain why affirmations and hypnosis can have powerful effects on both the mind and the body.[1] The Russians also noted that pitch was a factor. Words are spoken at certain frequencies.


Many studies are giving us clues about how our DNA works. The May 1995 issue of Scientific American discussed the effects of ruthenium[2] on DNA. “The researchers noted that a single ruthenium atom placed at each end of the double-helix DNA increases the conductivity of the strand by a factor of 10,000, causing the DNA to become, in effect, a ‘superconductor.’ Once configured, the DNA strand opens up, undergoes repair and closes back up. New cells of the body are then replicated according to the new and improved DNA pattern.”[3] DNA is able to change and reform.


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