Spiritual elevation

"Please release me let me go"

David Porter's picture

“For I don’t need you anymore”


I don’t use you anymore and you may not use me anymore. To be upfront with you I must say that you make me puke, ill, tired, and sick, you get me in trouble over the most meaningless issues. You turn them into major fall-outs, break-ups, heart breaks, altercations, dramas, sorrow, pain, fighting and even war.


You are about to become powerless.


With your use, you have placed me in states of shame and guilt, you have made me loose connections with wonderful Beings, you have cost me jobs and careers, you have cost me large sums of abundance in many ways, you have been the most unproductive motivation in my entire life.


I AM a Being of pure white Light, and now that I have made this Higher Self discovery, I’m going to tell on you for what you really are, and I’m going to tell the entire population of all my brothers and sisters so you no longer interfere in my relationships with them and myself any more. Yes, it is discloser time for you.


This is due to the fact that I have seen you use every one of my brothers and sisters, as they have used you. Now it’s time for you to pay the piper as I hereby “pay-it-forward” to those that I Love beyond what could ever be measured.


I know that you are a sleigh, clandestine, dirty rotten scoundrel, and that you hide behind many titles and disguises, but “NEVER THE LESS NOT MY WILL BUT THAT OF THE HIGHEST ORDER BE DONE.” So I will now name you to all.


The Bible, Fact or Farce?

David Porter's picture


I am inspirerd to post this for the ones that are on the edge and still have the chance of making it to the fifth dimension (Heaven) by end year. For those who don’t make this level, 3D will be better than now, and if you are content here, no worries mates the opt will come again for you, but if you have contemplated taking your self out, then here’s a much, much better way than slapping the Giver of your life in His Face for His gift of life to you.

Bible, Qur’an (Koran), Yahweh, tawrat, Zabur, Injel, Torah, Bhgavad Gita’, Urantia, Hindu Vedas, Book of Morman, Talmud,,,this list is very long, there are hundreds if not thousands so who’s is right?

So what makes the Bible so popular in the west? The west does because that’s where you were born. Now why should it go viral and you recruit ALL the other humans under its fold? That is what you were taught to do by those who wanted all the members, and they blessed you with the title, “missionary.” Boy is the Lord gonna be proud of you, after the wars that you caused are all over anyway.  

More members equals more money, more money, more power, more power also derives from more control.

You say the Bible cannot be altered from its original version given to you by God Him Self. Protected by Him so if any man attempts to alter it, it’s the elevator going down, that fiery pit of hell for that one. Revelations right, they placed this one at the end to wrap you up in it for future teaching of it to you the listening audience.


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