Spiritual Expansion

An Attitude of Gratitude makes you a POSITIVE-ATTRACTOR

David Porter's picture

An attitude of gratitude makes you a



When you show appreciation for what you do have in your life now, no matter of it’s nature or content. You are in admission of the fact that you brought it, therefore the creator of it. Until you surrender to this concept of your reality being the one of your own personal creation, you simply won’t “get it.” If you don’t own it, it doesn’t belong to you so you cannot change it.


When you are in a state of appreciation, you are able to more acutely or at least consciously recognize that what is with you today is your personal creation prior to this timeline. If you have “quite the mess” in your reality just now, by the use of the High vibration of gratitude, you can fix it. Give thanks for the mess and forgive it, and yourself and any other that may have influenced its appearance into your life. “Give thanks in all things,” this attitude has a most prodigious power in its psychological input/output.


The very Soul that you are will continue to reflect to you what it is that you have been creating, consciously, unconsciously, or subconsciously, you will learn from it eventually, but this message it to prompt the expedience of a process for you to make way for entry into a Higher level of living circumstances that you may not have been enjoying up to now but would like to.


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