
New Earth Frequency Update ~ A Moment in Time

WTC Mel and Mike's picture

Planetary Level ~ Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since we have put out an update.  My personal role within the Planetary level is going to change.  I am being guided to share a small portion to create a foundation from the Unified Whole, and will be writing other material to speak about the shifting of consciousness that is occurring.  This is a direct result of the increased energies since we experienced Wesak in late May as there are always new directions to follow.

The Wesak energies for the planet and the entire spiritual hierarchy is bringing us closer together.  Wesak is always a powerful time as we arise to a new level of consciousness as we are working through the initiations.  This year it is happening on a global and cosmic level beyond proportions that may be challenging to understand within the physical mind.  We are still in the integration of the energies as we move towards the Festival of Humanity on the full moon occurring June 23rd, 2013.  We are learning to ground the energies of the Wesak which represented the Three-Fold Flame being activated within GAIA.  The Festival of Humanity is a celebration of our light together as we now take what we have learned and share it with others.  (If you would like to join us for a powerful ceremony on June 24th, please see our website, http://walkingterrachrista.com/tele-calls/.  This call is open to all individuals and should be very powerful.)

Contracts & Relationships

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Teachings of Archangel Michael 

Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano 

Contracts and Relationships 

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael. 

We come to you at this wonderful and most glorious time as you are now moving into a place of the actualization of Self. 

Dear Ones, many are moving into a place of defining you and being "self actualized", being your self. Actualizing your self in a steadfast manner where you are proficiently moving forward and releasing the attachments that you had come into this lifetime with. 

We are speaking to you about what you have come into this lifetime with and what you are releasing and what you are moving to a conclusion with. 
You are moving to a conclusion, in many aspects of your life, with what no longer resonates for you as you move towards World Service in We Consciousness. 

It is most important that you now ready your self and open to the depth and breadth of the gloriousness of multi-dimensional reality. 

You have all been chosen and have chosen this path toward Self Mastery, and as you 
move on this path you find that you are coming to conclusions where relationships are concerned. Conclusions where the end of the so-called "contract" is concerned. 
As these contracts and conclusions come to you, you are finding your self standing alone in the world and beginning to understand aloneness. As the contracts with various wonderful and glorious souls in your lifetime in this lifetime are ending, you are finding you are coming to a place of aloneness. As you move through the gateway you have opened onto the pathway toward what it is you say you want, you are standing in a place of aloneness. You may look over your shoulder and see that you have ventured quite a distance on the pathway and perhaps feeling as if you are in a place called "No Man's Land". 

Contracts & Relationships

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Teachings of Archangel Michael 

Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano 

Contracts and Relationships 

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael. 

We come to you at this wonderful and most glorious time as you are now moving into a place of the actualization of Self. 

Dear Ones, many are moving into a place of defining you and being "self actualized", being your self. Actualizing your self in a steadfast manner where you are proficiently moving forward and releasing the attachments that you had come into this lifetime with. 

We are speaking to you about what you have come into this lifetime with and what you are releasing and what you are moving to a conclusion with. 
You are moving to a conclusion, in many aspects of your life, with what no longer resonates for you as you move towards World Service in We Consciousness. 

It is most important that you now ready your self and open to the depth and breadth of the gloriousness of multi-dimensional reality. 

You have all been chosen and have chosen this path toward Self Mastery, and as you 
move on this path you find that you are coming to conclusions where relationships are concerned. Conclusions where the end of the so-called "contract" is concerned. 
As these contracts and conclusions come to you, you are finding your self standing alone in the world and beginning to understand aloneness. As the contracts with various wonderful and glorious souls in your lifetime in this lifetime are ending, you are finding you are coming to a place of aloneness. As you move through the gateway you have opened onto the pathway toward what it is you say you want, you are standing in a place of aloneness. You may look over your shoulder and see that you have ventured quite a distance on the pathway and perhaps feeling as if you are in a place called "No Man's Land". 

Daily Intentions for Grounding and Moving Energy

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Daily Intentions for Grounding and Moving Energy

What do I do in the shower every day? State my intentions for grounding and moving energy. I thought that sharing this might help you develop your own routine. An important thing to remember is that you don’t want to fall into the habit of reciting your intentions – instead, think about them and what you are saying.
Mean what you say!

And, when you say that you are grounded in Mother Earth, stop and imagine yourself being grounded in Mother Earth. You can visualize yourself standing firmly on the ground, outdoors, with roots extending deep into Gaia from your feet.  When you say that you are connected to The Cosmos, visualize yourself standing tall, with a vibrant blue beam of energy coming  from above into your crown chakra.  This beam moves down through your entire body and into Gaia and energy flows in both directions in the beam.

Photosynthesis, Solar Power & the Pineal Gland

Rain's picture

Source:  BodyMindSoulSpirit.com - Christina Sarich, Contributing Writer
Waking Times


Solar energy has already come a long way. In the past five years it has evolved from cumbersome solar panels which had to be installed by the dozen on roof tops in order to provide enough kilowatts per hour to power even the smallest home’s energy needs. Then came the film-like rolls, which were much lighter, and recently, even a spray paint that is based on nanotechnology such that you can paint some great graffiti and enjoy solar powering your computer, refrigerator and AC all at once. In the latest news from MIT, biomedical engineer, Shuguang Zhang, offers the possibility of sending solar power to remote villages by utilizing agricultural waste to make solar cells with a form of photosynthesis called photosystem-I (PS-I). It would be layered on a substrate like more conventional solar panels and produce electric current when exposed to light.


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