St. Germain

Giselle Koy: A Message from St. Germain

Giselle Koy's picture

Let us dazzle you as you have dazzled us. For the work we do which might amaze you is no less a wonderment than what you, the lightworking citizens of Planet Earth have done.


Yes, we are pulling out all the stops now—embodying, walking in, stepping in wherever we may be needed. The Light has won and we are “Creating the New.” As you may not see it immediately, be aware that there is a lag time. For the air is dense at “sea” level or shall we say it is dense for those who have yet to “see.”


Yes, there are many viewpoints to see your current state of affairs and unrest on the planet but as you well know, there is always a higher viewpoint and that is the one we see from, as well as many of you.


So let us dazzle and do a few things you cannot as you have done the things we could not. Victory of the Light has been achieved. Please be entertained by the unfolding of the Ascension Play on Planet Earth.


Your Man of Wonder,

St. Germain

Channeled by Giselle Koy

Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 1 part 2 about money, funds and how to work with incoming energies (august 1, 2013) ~ By Méline Lafont

MomT's picture

Awakening to Higher Love posted on August 21, 2013 by melinelafont

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People are losing their jobs, they are losing their houses, they so not know where to turn to and that turns to worry and it lowers their energy vibration and it kind of puts them in a position where they’re stuck.  So I guess my questions is how do you use these existing Merkabah energies that we just received and all of the available energies that are here now for us to manifest and create abundance consciousness to help eliminate this worry about money so the vibrations can be raised so people can move up in consciousness.

What message can you give them to help them break out of that cycle or that double edge sward, if you will with respect to money and where they are in their lives?


lynmarie8's picture



Heavenly Rainbow - Anna Lena Cilmi - ©

The Threefold Flame - Devine Power, Devine Love, Devine Wisdom

The Fires of God's Will, Devine Illumination for every Government, of all Nations


Legions of Power and Protection -Devine Service to Transmute all negative force in every Government of all Nations.


Goddess of Liberty,Justice Freedom, and Victory and Silent watchers - Invoked to bring in 5 Dimensional frequencies of Violet Transmuting Flame of Forgiveness and forgetfulness. Transmuting disruptive Negative energy everywhere.


Golden Fame Invoked Activated - Plan of the Will of GOD, Purifying All, Restoration, Unifying, Forgiveness


Flames in use for all work- Platinum, Violet, Blue Gold, Rose Pink

Sananda Illuminates Your Path: Letting Your Light Shine, Becoming a Brilliant Beacon, Performing Spiritual Maintenance

JTariah's picture

Sananda Illuminates Your Path: Letting Your Light Shine, Becoming a Brilliant Beacon, Performing Spiritual Maintenance, Stating Intentions, Respecting God/Source's Plans, Living to Be an Example
 Two Channeled Messages Below Ashtar's Trinity Project Information


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