The Science of Happiness & Peace (Your Guide to "HEAVEN" on Earth)

Gagan Polanki's picture


Everything you need to know about Life in a nutshell to help you achieve Lasting Joy, Peace, Success and Happiness through the latest discoveries in Science.


It's the Most Comprehensive study about Human Body, Mind and Consciousness ever that will help you to embrace Life in its Fullness and unleash your Unlimited Potential.


William James had said "The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." This movie presents Astounding Scientific facts that alter our very perception and attitude towards life and our world giving a whole new meaning to it.


A movie you will love to watch again and again and show it to all your near and dear ones and make a difference in their lives. Happy watching.

Sananda Unteaches and Reprograms: Learning Self-Definition, Allowing Non-Limitation, Being Beautiful, Playing the Game, Laughing

JTariah's picture

Sananda Unteaches and Reprograms: Learning Self-Definition, Allowing Non-Limitation, Being Beautiful, Playing the Game, Laughing, Breathing, and Drinking Water
(two channelings below)

We of Sananda's Eagles Welcome You with Open Starship Hatches! All are welcome to join our Galactic Family of Starseeds, Walk-Ins and Lightworkers! Please write to janisel(at) to begin your Ground Crew Mission with Project: Eagle Triad today.


Insight 2.0

hilarionra's picture

Insight regarding the domestically and foreignly trained terrorist's that claim to not be terrorist's, just highly trained being's who are temporarily upholding the corrupt and hypocritical laws.

So we have program's co created on earth, used on the internet server's via earth's governing institution's. We also have being's who have been psychologically groomed to monitor the information that they're nurtured to pay attention to. Seek out specific post's, keyword's, action's, even potential's and act upon their feeling's of what they feel is happening even when there is no factual data stating so (ignorance) along with there being factual data stating that there are being's conspiring to resolve the corruption and hypocrisy on earth, and simultaneously go against the grain of all ignorance (their own included).

There are also being's on earth who are willing to at all costs until they can no longer can, to play with other being's consciousness' via unlawful loophole's that have been used to temporarily establish the current hypocrisy and corruption we all live with on earth. You can see the stories of these being's behaving in these way's everywhere there is business taking place. Online, newspaper's, you can hear them being talked about in the music industry, you can see their behavior's being acted out in movie's , and always being referred to and addressed everywhere. In order to experience this truth, you first have to be chosen to be awake right now.

The Truth

blazinriver's picture


open your eyes the truth is at hand
it’s sweeping over all the land
no longer will it be denied
no longer will it hide

In the beginning was the word and the word vibrated
with the truth and the light it resonated
like a mighty trumpet it sounded
and life here on earth was founded.

the holiness of creation is within us it is who we are
the kingdom is at hand the kingdom is not far
the creation is part of you and me we were there
at the beginning yes we were there.

The Word of God

blazinriver's picture

This universe was willed into existence. and we were given free will. Free will is much more than just a right to choose for one’s self.
If Christ taught things that required faith then why was he feared by the religious leaders of his day? He was teaching truth.
To know something or to have faith in something. I have faith that if I stand in front of a speeding train I will be greatly injured/ Rather i know i will be injured.
Likewise the soul knows when it hears truth.Why else would Christ’s words stir the hearts of so many? Why else did it bring fear to the religious leaders of his time?
To say he was the son of god or even that he was god does not seem like something the leaders would have feared. That would only make “Jesus” sound crazy. Plus that would not have taken away the power that the Pharisees had.
No Christ was teaching something so against what the people had been taught that he had to be stopped.

I am a light worker ~ Part 6 ~ This will be a re-learning

SophiaLove's picture

You have come now to spread the light that you are.  Many of your years you have spent in darkness, not understanding how to brighten things up.  Perhaps you have been unaware of your brilliance.  You’ve been told now that you are the light.  This is not dependent on age or race or religion.  All that you need, you have.  Everything required for the mighty oak tree is present in the seed.  You are like that tree, choosing once again to be a seed, just for the thrill of becoming.


Only this time, the journey has more at stake.  This time there’s an awareness of the forest and the soil and the impact on it all.  These things you know, yet you have forgotten.  It is time to re-learn them.  We are each others teachers now.  It is time for us to listen.  This is how we love.


Carefully, relentlessly, pay attention.  There is not one aha moment as we awaken – there are multitudes of them.  As a baby who sees’s it all for the first time and finds every inch of it fascinating, so are we.  It all matters.  There are no insignificant moments.


We are light workers.  It was our choice to come here now.  It is our choice to think, say and do whatever pleases us.  There comes a time in the raising of my children that we stop controlling their portion sizes and bed times.  After years of restrictions and explanations, we let go.  It is our belief that it is only then that the child can determine for himself or herself what kind of life he or she will experience.  There are stomach aches, sleepiness and new choices every time.


Fooled not Schooled

Hegalian dia's picture

"Money is Power",or shall we say, "The Monopoly to Create Money and change interest is Absolute Power".   (Alex James)


International Banking Famly Patriarch Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothchilds, 1838:


"let ne ussue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws".


Letter written from London by the Rothchilds to their New York agents introducing their banking method into America. "The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of conprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests".

One Moment in Time

SophiaLove's picture


This time is one of tumult (uproar, confusion, noisy commotion).  In order to perform a change of such magnitude, things have to break off.  This will feel like a jolt in many instances.  This will be necessary because so many here now have to be shown in no uncertain terms that they have a choice.  They cannot ignore it any longer.  You are deep within this time of the Shift.  It is happening whether you see it or not.


Choices made now direct your days towards whatever future you are choosing.  What is it that you are hoping to achieve?


Are you looking for miraculous?  Miracles are possible now and they will take place not within ancient texts but before your eyes.


You came to participate.  Know that what you are doing is just precisely what you’ve planned all along.  Trust.


Our families, our bodies, our jobs, our locations, our friends and our lovers – were all chosen for this moment now.  In order to get the most from each challenge and situation, all players are in place with their parts memorized.


The Show Must Go On!

SophiaLove's picture



Natural Beauty - LuasDeAlmeida - site


It is time to decide who we are in all of this.  Are we going to remain loyal to the way things are?  Are we going to speak together, regardless of what appears to be happening?  This is an individual challenge – who are you? 


It is not merely a fad or a passing thought to be a light worker.  You have come to work for the light.  This planet has been ruled/owned by more dark forces than light.  Choosing one versus the other, light versus dark is merely a preference. 



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