
Visionkeeper - Love Is In The Air…

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One World Rising Posted on

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Things seem to be heating up again and the insanity runs rampant. It is getting a bit exhausting dealing with everything being thrown at us, but we seem to keep on. I personally think it is the time for a world- wide love-in to spread the frequency far and wide and remind people what they need to concentrate on. Not the created wars to distract you from the truth, the truth that this administration is destroying the Constitution and our civil rights on so many levels. Three scandals are whizzing about Washington’s head and they don’t want us to pay attention to that. NO, move along, nothing to see here! Yes there is, there is plenty to see and we better be opening our eyes and paying close attention. With that said, I don’t want you dwelling on the insanity of a few but rather the love and compassion of the many!

Visionkeeper - What Our Reflections Shine Back To Us….

MomT's picture

One World Rising Posted on

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If you were to walk to the water’s edge and peer in, would you be pleased with what you see? Is the reflection staring back at you someone you love and feel good about? If not, it is time to get to work and learn how to be with who you are. Self judgment can be the worse judgement of all. The old story of I’m too fat, not pretty enough, not good enough. I think we have probably all run these tapes through our head many times during our journey. They are so self-destructive and yet we seem to glue ourselves to them out of fear of who we will be without that those stories, much like the child who will welcome negative attention over no attention at all. All of these old tapes are part of the old world and we certainly don’t want to drag them along with us into the new world. Our time has come to finally understand how magical and powerful and wonderful we are in every way imaginable.

Visionkeeper - Outside The Lines…

MomT's picture

One World Rising Posted on

Yes, the time has come to drop the perfectionism and start coloring outside the lines wildly like a madman.  Ignite your inner creativity and let your freedom spill out before you in any way that pleases you. Be and do whatever comes to mind (within reason of course). We have set so many limitations upon ourselves in everything we do and so has the Government. How can we possibly be who we are meant to be if we are so busy staying inside the lines? Jump the lines and run free, with the wind blowing you about like an autumn leaf. There is the real you inside that is screaming to be released. Throw away the art paper and paint on whatever canvas is before you. Our time to be who we are is at hand, close at hand. You can feel the energy in the air, it has been building for weeks and weeks now.


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