
Visionkeeper - Finding Peace Within…

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One World Rising Posted on

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I am sure there is many a weary traveler out there wondering and asking “How do I find peace?” It seems to elude so many in this confused and hostile world right now, but it is there for the taking if we just open our eyes and mind wide enough to realize it. Yes, as we hear so often it does come from within, but how, some scream out of frustration. Peace within comes from accepting life as it is and learning how to feel gratitude for it just as it is with all of its imperfections. When we don’t accept what is around us in the world as it is, we are struggling and fighting to make things the way we want them, and this is an endless struggle. We might as well jump in a raging river and begin swimming upstream.

Visionkeeper - The Three R’s….

MomT's picture

One World Rising Posted on

GFP Commentary:  The author talks about having the ego in control.  Ego is unconsciousness and pops in when it feels threatened.  Awareness of when we are experiencing the ego and then releasing the ego and coming back to love is becoming who we really are and loving ourselves.

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Visionkeeper - Choosing A Path And Staying On It…

MomT's picture

One World Rising Posted on

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As we begin to adjust to the new world slowly unfolding before us, it is now time to decide what path we are going to choose to go down. Are we going to remain stuck within the distorted memes of the old paradigm, or are we going to go free and open our arms and embrace a whole new way of being, free of all the limitations on who we can be? We have entered the final end stage of our journey and it is time to make our decision. We can no longer sit quietly on the fence and dabble our feet in both worlds. It has been a difficult time, for as we have grown in knowledge, we are finding it more and more difficult to accept what we see going on around us. The truth of reality is escaping little by little and as we ingest more of it, the old ways no longer fit.


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