
Fracking Wastewater Disposal Linked to Remotely Triggered Quakes

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National Geographic, By: Ker Than, 07/11/2013

An fracturing oil rig in Garfield County.

Fracking for oil and natural gas, and the underground disposal of wastewater that occurs in the process, has been linked to earthquakes in recent years. Now seismologists have discovered a new twist in that relationship, finding that wastewater injection can also contribute to temblors induced remotely by faraway seismic events.


The finding, detailed in this week's issue of the journal Science, is the latest research to show how humans can influence earthquakes. The study found that industrial wastewater disposal made certain areas more prone to seismic activity in the wake of a larger event, linking quakes near wastewater injection sites in the United States to those as far away as Japan and Chile.


For more on this story visit www.nationalgeographic.com

Another $200 million for the Pentagon up in smoke?

Rain's picture

Published on Jul 30, 2012 by RTAmerica

While social programs are being scrapped across the board, expenses for the Pentagon are exploding more than ever. The US spends several times over what China spends on their military, but few speak out in favor of cutting in. More than $200 dollars has been spent on training police forces in Iraq. Is tax money actually being spent on anything being asked for? Author Michael O'Brien discusses.
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