
Disclosure Begins with Government

GLR Wes Annac's picture

Friends, I have recently received a revelation from our Galactic friends, as to why they have to let our ‘leaders’ disclose their existence, rather than them disclosing themselves to us. Many have said, “Why are they trusting our governments to make this announcement? Government works with Illuminati and will never disclose if left to their own devices”…so on and so forth. The thing is, while there are many of us awakened on Earth who know the truth about our extraterrestrial friends, they have to give the most care to those unawakened.


To an unawakened soul on Earth, the presence of extraterrestrials can mean one thing: alien invasion. Our friends in the sky know this and so they must be very cautious initiating First Contact on our world, so not to cause an upset. Now, imagine yourself an unawakened soul, who knows nothing about extraterrestrials and ET life accept what you have seen in the movies and television shows, which present nothing but scary concepts regarding the subject. If your television suddenly blinked and changed to what is clearly an extraterrestrial standing with the president, honestly what would your first thought be? Alien invasion! Again keep in mind that this does not apply to those of us awakened, as we would see this event for what it is: wonderful First Contact! To an unawakened soul however, this would more than likely not be the case.


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