
Inside Cambodia's stunning new temple discoveries

Silver's picture

CNN, By: Lan Dunston, 07/02/2013

There's nothing like a helicopter flight over Angkor to provide insight into how vast the ancient city really is. A new report released by the U.S.-based National Academy of Sciences has revealed a much grander Angkor landscape than previously known, one without parallel in the pre-industrial world.

Siem Reap, Cambodia (CNN) -- Visit Cambodia's number one tourist attraction, Angkor Wat, with the average tour guide and you'll probably leave the UNESCO World Heritage Site with your head swimming in dates, dimensions and unpronounceable names of kings. Jaya-who?


You might also get the impression, as I did when I first visited two years ago, that the magnificent temple complex you scrambled around in sweltering heat is confined within its sturdy walls and scenic moat, and the city ended there. Turns out that's not the case.


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