
The New Earth is Rising…Fully Realized

Anonymous's picture

Created on 07/01/2013


imagesWe are here to help with more information on this subject.  There is a quickening of energy right now that is flowing from prime source to the Earth in a beautiful way.  We are delighted to be here with this our messenger she is working with us in order to do her planetary service.

Before a being, can pass through this stage of development, they must be in service to community as well as humanity first, several initiations will occur. With this great change happens, purification begins, before the initiate is robed with there Mastery, to do this work.

We are the Archangels, who come today to work in this realm, for only a short time. As you make your choices to Ascend in this lifetime, the process begins and the disciple of Christ, walks the Earth, with steadfast love and support for all beings.

As the initiate looks at every human being as the Christ, the love expands out to the masses. An initiate will hold the codes and keys, to enter the temples of the Earth, and above, to ground the energy here.

The sparks of light, you all came in on, will be remembered and reactivated. The masses are waking up, in phenomenal proportions, this is due to the energy from the Christed Light,  coming to the earth at this time.

The exquisite sounds of Nature, streams of energy weaving in and out of creation,  enfold our very being,  like a bride to a groom. The flower is an example, of this creation at work.

It  opens to the Sun’s light.  The flower, the stigma, ovule, connecting to the Mother, to create a new birth. The incredible love that occurs is effortless, it just is, not forced or manipulated. It happens, even without our knowing.

Giselle Koy - It's Never Too Late: A Message from Krishna

Giselle Koy's picture

I am one of the members of the celestial management team. I have epochs of popularity and for some I am a guiding and original force. For those that resonate with me are the passionate Sirians – the blue people and galactic romantics.

For I represent the romance with God.
Christ is for salvation.
Buddha is for equanimity and peace.
Krishna is for falling in love with God.

My habitat is one of beauty with flowers from Venus and of course the Gopi Goddesses who represent beauty, the divine feminine as they flow rivers of devotion.

For many centuries, these rivers off devotion were the only thing to ride on to God – the energy was dense here but these waters were magnetized so that you could put your life raft on them and be carried by truth and faith. For many, what was once these great rivers of connection would now be considered merely drops because the energies now are far greater and a million times more potent.

But what does that say about mankind? It says that his spark of God within himself cannot be extinguished. For merely drops of divine flow were enough for him to devote his life to the calling.

Giselle Koy - It's Never Too Late: A Message from Krishna

Giselle Koy's picture

I am one of the members of the celestial management team. I have epochs of popularity and for some I am a guiding and original force. For those that resonate with me are the passionate Sirians – the blue people and galactic romantics.

For I represent the romance with God.
Christ is for salvation.
Buddha is for equanimity and peace.
Krishna is for falling in love with God.

My habitat is one of beauty with flowers from Venus and of course the Gopi Goddesses who represent beauty, the divine feminine as they flow rivers of devotion.

For many centuries, these rivers off devotion were the only thing to ride on to God – the energy was dense here but these waters were magnetized so that you could put your life raft on them and be carried by truth and faith. For many, what was once these great rivers of connection would now be considered merely drops because the energies now are far greater and a million times more potent.

But what does that say about mankind? It says that his spark of God within himself cannot be extinguished. For merely drops of divine flow were enough for him to devote his life to the calling.

Portal of Christ Energies Open and Anchored In!

lynmarie8's picture

Portal of Christ Energies Open and Anchored In!


Anchored into Source, Gaia, Humanity, Crystalline Grids, all of Gods creations, Animal Kingdom, Angelic Kingdom, Elementals, Sirius,  All Sacred sites of pyramids Egypt, Mayan, As Above, As below. Master Crystals, Red, Blue, Emerald, Platinum, Gold, crystals pyramids as above as below. Disbursed out for all to receive!





Sananda Illuminates Your Path: Letting Your Light Shine, Becoming a Brilliant Beacon, Performing Spiritual Maintenance

JTariah's picture

Sananda Illuminates Your Path: Letting Your Light Shine, Becoming a Brilliant Beacon, Performing Spiritual Maintenance, Stating Intentions, Respecting God/Source's Plans, Living to Be an Example
 Two Channeled Messages Below Ashtar's Trinity Project Information


The Word of God

blazinriver's picture

This universe was willed into existence. and we were given free will. Free will is much more than just a right to choose for one’s self.
If Christ taught things that required faith then why was he feared by the religious leaders of his day? He was teaching truth.
To know something or to have faith in something. I have faith that if I stand in front of a speeding train I will be greatly injured/ Rather i know i will be injured.
Likewise the soul knows when it hears truth.Why else would Christ’s words stir the hearts of so many? Why else did it bring fear to the religious leaders of his time?
To say he was the son of god or even that he was god does not seem like something the leaders would have feared. That would only make “Jesus” sound crazy. Plus that would not have taken away the power that the Pharisees had.
No Christ was teaching something so against what the people had been taught that he had to be stopped.

Ashtar says: Time to Get Serious! (plus additional Ashtar Command Details) channeled through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles Now

JTariah's picture
Do you FEEL a strong pull on your heart-strings to begin a Mission Now?
Learn More about Project: Eagle Triad here:
Commit to 15-20 minutes per day to Project: Eagle Triad
write to janisel   (@)
...first you will fly, then you will soar...

Time to Get Serious


Message from the Galactic Federation 12/22/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Hello beloveds, we are not here to discuss today ascension, but instead, your world and what is transpiring behind the scenes. Unreported and uninvestigated by your news media is a battle that rages on between the dark and the forces of light. This battle is taking place in space around your planet. We are very happy to report that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are winning this battle. We also wish you to know that the safety of humanity is our primary concern. We have many safeguards between you and our battle with the forces of darkness and we make great efforts to see to it that this battle does not interfere with humanity’s ascension. Although our attempt to rid this world and many others of this negative threat has been quite arduous at times, we have seen a steady and commanding advancement in our agenda to restore all worlds to their pristine conditions of love and light. Due to certain matters of intelligence and the need to maintain secrecy of particular areas of our campaign, much cannot be shared with you in regards to the total number of our ships versus their ships and of particular vectors that have been cleared of negative forces. Please know that the light will emerge victorious.

Message from the Galactic Federation 12/22/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

Hello beloveds, we are not here to discuss today ascension, but instead, your world and what is transpiring behind the scenes. Unreported and uninvestigated by your news media is a battle that rages on between the dark and the forces of light. This battle is taking place in space around your planet. We are very happy to report that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are winning this battle. We also wish you to know that the safety of humanity is our primary concern. We have many safeguards between you and our battle with the forces of darkness and we make great efforts to see to it that this battle does not interfere with humanity’s ascension. Although our attempt to rid this world and many others of this negative threat has been quite arduous at times, we have seen a steady and commanding advancement in our agenda to restore all worlds to their pristine conditions of love and light. Due to certain matters of intelligence and the need to maintain secrecy of particular areas of our campaign, much cannot be shared with you in regards to the total number of our ships versus their ships and of particular vectors that have been cleared of negative forces. Please know that the light will emerge victorious.


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