What you are about to learn will at the very least astound you, this is not if you will believe it, I promise you that you will if you are “listening” with “open” ears and mind.
Sumarian, Aztecs, Hopi, Mayans, Hindu, Inka, Jews, Chinese, I-Ching, Gino Ratinckx, Egyptians, Albert Slosman, Robert Harrington, Sanskrit, Gnostics, Nag Hammadi, Zachariah Sitchin, Terrance McKenna, Christians, The Bible, Mother Shipton, Muslims, Annunaki, Nostrodamus, Edgar Cayce, Lori Tory,
Michael Gordon Scallion.
The above are but a few of those who reference the coming of the “Age” we are rapidly entering just now. These and thousands more are congruent on the “Events” and in many cases to the “day” of what has and will take place.
Satya Yuga: (Enlightened Age).
Many others: The Golden Age
Bible: The End.
Mayans: the 13th Baktun, A.D. 1618-2012 (5th) root race, destroyed by one of the elements. The four races before destroyed by Fire, Earth, Air then Water, (Noah)…the next, us now, to be swept away by Ether, (wave of Light).
Plasma from the Great Central Sun to dissolve the dark energies, placed and activated, Oct, 26th, 2012.
“Lo I tell you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet.”
LOVE is the ONLY way out.