Dementia and teleportation
Submissive impacts
Sustainability and paramountability
Terminological demands and suspect analysis
Temporary designs (Confrontations) and (Terminological Concepts)
Portending fabrics have shifted profoundly, decisions to go further will result in new found information.
Portended fabrics are submissive, temporary grid ratio is in decryption for analysis.
Temporary fractals are assessed from a neutrality.
Contemporary stops are initial from fractal access codes; given for/from submissive impacts.
Inquiring on ships orbiting the planet... Sustainability is portended to fractal access code, divination is in suspension for hyper active fields which coalesce at individual points around the Earth, and Decisions to go forward are fabricated at a newer consensus.
We are now entering the Galactic Federation of Light.
This message should be portrayed to individuals in need of fractal access codes for a temporary adjustment in advances within somnambulistic levels of trance... Divinations should break the trance and help achieve higher sustainability in future contact trips.
The message will now begin.
We are here now with you to sustain hyper imperative routes to augment you towards a transmission which is held under current form of the Galactic Federation of Light.
To sustain this connection we will augment in our inertia to wright until a trigger point is reached for coherency.