Waking Times, By: Jona Bryndis, 10/12/2013
![Flickr - Roses - VinothChandar](http://www.wakingtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Flickr-Roses-VinothChandar-300x200.jpg)
The English language offers two meanings for ‘True Love’, describing either the kind of love we feel for someone and/or the person your true love is subjected to. Both meanings primarily reflect on an emotion directed at somebody else.
When searching for the deeper meaning of True Love we will find that it describes a feeling inside which does not necessarily require an object. It is an expansive all-encompassing energetic resonance within us that is unconditional and trusting.
Working with True Love as Energetic Resonance
Unconditional Love is ego-less. It is an energy that surrenders to the Love for All…. the kind of Love the universe ‘feels’ for the totality of it’s holographic dimensions, parents feel for their children, a flower feels for its petals, a leaf feels for the wind that makes it dance… It is the Love of creation, the Love of the Divine, which does not expect anything back. It does not require any payback…it just IS.